Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
Just got a message from Moke Thompson. The address form the Chairman he is talking about is at under the newsletter link/tab. It looks to me like he is committed to make this organization work for all pilots to be able to compete in cross country air racing. The RV classes are a nice bonus.

Bob Axsom

Hi Race Nuts!

I have published the web site for probably the last time for this year.

There is a new Chairman's Word as well as a neat page you can reach from a link
on the Member's Page.
Check out the Membership Location Map at

This is a Google Map with a marker for every member on the roles at present.
I'll admit now that this is probably only 60% accurate as for many of you I have
only a street address, not Home Base.

I've done my best at web research of your names and guessing to provide an
accurate marker, but if I've erred, just shoot me a note to
[email protected] or [email protected] with the actual location of
your hangar, and I'll update the map coordinates.

I think you'll find the groupings of racers interesting...

And speaking of groups, if you aren't the only racer based at your field, you
can keep zooming in and eventually the multiple markers should break out. My
own Taylor airport is an example, as well as Pecan Plantation (which, btw, you
can't tell is an airport by looking at the map - you have to switch to satellite
view and then you can see the runway).

The map was a lot of work to put together, but worth it I think...

And lastly, some of you labor under the misconception that I've pressed my bride
into service as SARL embroider-er. Nothing could be further from the truth!
The fingers that load the bobbins and thread the needles are the very same that
are now tapping this keyboard. Hey! I am not without skills!

So until we meet again (April if not sooner), you all stay well, fly safe, and
keep warm!

Merry Christmas!

- Mike
Schedule as of 1-8-2008

At I found the following under calendar of events:

April 12, 2008
The Taylor 150
Taylor, TX

May 3, 2008
Dyess/Abilene Big Country Air Fest and Air Race
Abilene, TX

June 27-29, 2008
Rocky Mountain Fly In and Air Race
Denver, CO

July 27, 2008
AirVenture Cup
Dayton, OH

October 18, 2008
The Memphis 100
Memphis, TN

October, 2008
The Great Pumpkin Air Race
Suffolk, VA

November, 2008
Rocket Air Race
Macho Grande field, TX
Check with Mark Manda

Mark flew to the Rocket 100 from the LA basin in November. You might check in with him on how difficult it was to make the trip. H-m-m-m, you know if those west coast planes are really fast Taylor Texas should just be just long enough to get comfy in the cockpit. On a serious note Mark said there was some movement on the west coast to get a race out there. Also, Mike told me there was a fellow in Arizona working on setting one up and I talked to a man at Taylor that is an RV-8 pilot from Wilcox Arizona that would like to set one up. It is a growing movement thanks to Mike Thompson and the emerging race organizers.

Bob Axsom