I Would like to do some light acrobatics in my 7A, but I'm concerned about the gyros. Has this been a problem or is there a way to turn off the vaccum and not have to worry about them? Thanks John
Gyros need to spin during aeros

I think you will do more damage to you gyros by aerobatting them while they are not spinning - as they will bang about - that with them turning. IIRC there are 2 types of aerobatic gyros. One type can be "caged" by pulling a knob to hold the gyros still (I don't really like that idea either as your manoeuvers will stress the gyro's bearing), it may be that the caging knob is meant to recover the gyro after it has tumbled due to your gyrations. The other type are "non-tumbling" and are meant to stay errect. Either way it means different gyros.

You could always make a removeable section in your panel and take the gyros out when you want to fly aeros?
