
Well Known Member
That is because as advanced work is being done by Greg towards eventually updating the web site, the RV-12 and RV-12iS have been split out into their own tab on the service information page.
Now builders of the two models don't have to determine whether a particular release applies to their airplane or not. If it apply to both, it will be posted in both, etc.

Would be a wonderful idea for this beautiful forum as well: splitting RV12 ad RV12iS?
Disagree, as 12 builders I think we all want to gain knowledge thru this great source as is,
Besides, don?t you care about our sinking floats?:)
I?m with Jim. The designs are similar enough that I think both groups of builders can learn valuable lessons from each other.
I?m with Jim. The designs are similar enough that I think both groups of builders can learn valuable lessons from each other.

I agree! If it?s not broken, don?t fix it! Keep it as one forum for both planes. Other than the engine and related systems, the two have much in common.
Split the RV-12 forum?

I split this topic off into its own thread for discussion/consideration, it was off topic where it was but an important issue for the community here.

When I read the suggestion I thought "hmm, that might be a good idea". I have a fair bit of experience with putting forums together and would like to point out that there is a fine line between segmenting the forum to address a particular area of interest, and getting so narrow that it loses what I call "critical mass". If one gets too specialized then traffic wanes and the forum starts to die. If it is too general then it loses focus and no one can find anything.

After considering this I think we are better keeping the RV-12 and RV-12iS in the same forum, here's why:
  1. The aircraft are MUCH more similar than different. A good habit for users is to always specify which aircraft they are referring two with questions or answers and that should eliminate any confusion between the two variants.
  2. This forum seems to be about the right size, traffic is decent without being overwhelming to follow it all. I think splitting it would hurt traffic to the point where interest would wane.

So, for the above reasons my recommendation would be to keep them the same but I do suggest that Doug rename the forum "RV-12 & RV-12iS" for clarity.

Doug? [ed. As of 16:52Z 12/29/18 I did just that. v/r,dr]
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12 versus 12iS (12 pov)

I read your explanation, Randy, and do agree.
However some posts make me sit straight up when reading the title - only to find out the post is about some 12iS-issue. (other way around it won't matter I guess: iS' builders use about anything a 12 has. Not every 12iS component or design idea is incorporated in every 12).
Isn't it possible for the members of this fine forum to add the point of view in the title? In that case it, among others, becomes quickly clear how much 12iS issues there really are, versus genuine 12's.
Just thinking ahead.
Happy NewYear everyone, with lots of building fun, much Forum-issues and many, many happy landings.
I also agree with the sentiment of not splitting into two forums.
As already mentioned, the two airplanes are still very similar.
Splitting them would in some ways be the same as splitting RV-7 into IO-360, O-360 and O-320 sub forums. Not all that helpful.

The suggestion of tagging posts with the model (12 vs 12iS) seems like a good idea at first but I think it would only be helpful occasionally.
The reason for that is that unless a person is rather familiar with what all of the specific differences between the two are, they could likely miss information that might be relevant to them.

There are already over 80,000 posts in the RV-12 forum, more than any other RV. A search for info on a subject yields a lot of threads to wade through. Most of those regard issues that have been changed or updated in the iS airplane: the fuel tank, the sinking floats, the wiring harness, the back window, the MLG attachment, cabin heat, the voltage regulator, electrical capacity, fuel flow, fuel pressure, etc, etc. and about 35 Service Bulletins and more than 40 notifications. Many of the posts are re-plowing old ground.

Most of those will be of little help or interest to the iS builder.

Now the iS will introduce new issues unrelated to the earlier airplanes in areas of engine, maintenance, avionics, cowling, etc.

The 12 and 12iS look alike but inside are big differences in what Van?s furnishes in the kits compared to the kits of 10 years ago. That is not so true of say an RV-7, where kits are exclusive of engine and avionics choices, and I don?t think the situation is comparable to other RVs where different engine and avionics choices can be made by the builder.

Areas of commonality would be wing and tail cone construction but I don?t see that many posts regarding those. The fuselage, cockpit, avionics, engine are really quite different and that?s where the new posts are going to focus.

Yes the 12 and 12iS are similar, but for the reasons above I think the iS deserves a fresh start and so I would vote for a separate category in the forums.
Good points Tony, there are clearly two valid points of view on this issue. Doug will append "RV-12iS" to the forum name shortly, we can keep considering splitting it off.

Off-thread issue, I see you're in Lacey, WA. I'm up in North Seattle; work in Woodinville, live in Mill Creek. Would love to connect some time to talk RV-12s. I've been considering attempting to locate other -12 and -12iS builders/drivers in the Seattle area with the idea of establishing a loose sort of builders/flyers group. Do you know if there are many others around here?
There are a good number of flying RV12s in our area and more building. I have been hosting an annual get together at PWT since 2012, usually in August, that I call an RV-12 Bull Session. We fly there, meet on the ramp in front of the Airport Diner to look at airplanes, then have lunch.

PM me an email address and I'll put you on the list for that and also can send you pictures and info of local 12s and pilots. I would enjoy a meet up. We can discuss that by email.
Feel free to delete this thread drift.
I have been hosting an annual get together at PWT since 2012, usually in August, that I call an RV-12 Bull Session. We fly there, meet on the ramp in front of the Airport Diner to look at airplanes, then have lunch.

I'm with you in spirit but a little too distant for flying to attend.

Seeing the picture makes me wonder what the average age is for RV-12 ownership? I'm 65 and probably in the middle of the spectrum...
Should split

I'm almost done with a 12iS.

And I agree that the differences are sufficient to benefit from split forums.

Anyone can browse both and get the value they need, so no loss in that area.

But the small and not so small differences are very important!
Since most do not qualify the posts as 12 or 12iS, it is confusing and wasteful in many cases.

I would suggest a split.

I'm an iS builder.. Id prefer one forum. Two reasons: 1. The iS community is still very very small.. there wouldnt be much activity 2. Aside from the engine of most iS airplanes, and the fuselage section's internals, there's still a lot in common. 3. I enjoy reading about sinking carb floats, it makes me feel good I spent the extra $5k on the iS engine :D
I enjoy reading about sinking carb floats, it makes me feel good I spent the extra $5k on the iS engine :D

I'm waiting for first person to report climbing back into the tail cone to change fuel filters and/or fix fuel leak... :D:D
I'd keep the two models in one forum for the reasons mentioned when we discussed this about 6 months ago.

But I also agree it's helpful if you list RV-12 or RV-12iS in your signature or mention it in your post.
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One forum for me. I don't have any problem separating RV-12 and RV-12iS oriented threads, and I don't want to have to follow two forums in case there's something that applies to my plane in the other one. In any case, it seems to me that traffic on this forum has slowed down considerably compared to the `old days', now that the RV-12 design has matured. Putting your plane type in your signature sounds like a good idea to avoid any confusion.
IMHO, one forum for both. Be sure to ID your RV-12 type in thread title and signature line.
Prefer 1 forum.

When starting a new thread, where a difference is applicable to 12is specifically, perhaps enclose "(12is)" in the topic title.