Top Cat

Well Known Member
I read somewhere that Vans have produced a split rear bulkhead panel (behind fuel tank) which would negate having to remove the fuel tank at condition inspection.

Does anyone have any info on this or experience with it?

Thanks for any input.
The only part that has been changed is the aft baggage floor cover, to allow it to be removed for inspection without removing the fuel tank.
See the RV12 Modificaions sticky thread for detailed pics of how many have split both the bulkhead and the floor plate.

Following my bulkhead door split, I noticed that the rigidity of the door was somewhat compromised which is understandable. I suspect it's the reason why VANs has not endorsed it. I do not believe though that the mod is compromising safety but if VANs endorsed it they would have to run a battery of tests and may be go through a formal re-certification of the RV-12.The only reason I decided to do it is that I anticipate to do two upgrades that would require access to the tailcone: AOA and ADS-B. In hindsight, as this will happen during an Annual, the door split was not really necessary.
You're right it's not the aft bulkhead but a floor panel being split into 2 smaller panels to allow easier inspection underneath.

I ordered them today from Vans.

Apparently the rear bulkhead can be unscrewed about half-way, enough to bend it back enough for rear fuselage inspection, according to a Vans person.
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Do you have the part number or did the person you talked to know what you wanted?

This is what was sent to me from Gus at Vans (who is very helpful, and patient).

"The rear bulkhead remains the same. What the change is, is the panel
on the baggage floor is split so half can be removed to inspect the
flaperon controls. The upper half of the rear baggage compartment can
be bent forward to allow inspection of the tailcone interior without
removing the tank.

Parts for this are F-00081 $8.70 & F-00082 $6.70, which replace the
old F-1206E, see attached."

Bear in mind, I have an SLSA.
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Access to tailcone

I split both the floor panel and the rear bulkhead at my annual in December using doublers and lots of screws. Had read Scott's note a while back about the ability to bend the panel if needed to access the tailcone, but its not possible to practically get all the way to the bottom of the tailcone that way. I wanted the ability to have better access to the servo motor, control cables etc... during an inspection and opted to take the approach that several "seasoned" RV-12 builders like Tony T have taken.

I'll probably jinx myself, but I hope to never have to remove that fuel tank from the fuselage ever again!
This is what was sent to me from Gus at Vans (who is very helpful, and patient).

"The rear bulkhead remains the same. What the change is, is the panel
on the baggage floor is split so half can be removed to inspect the
flaperon controls. The upper half of the rear baggage compartment can
be bent forward to allow inspection of the tailcone interior without
removing the tank.

Parts for this are F-00081 $8.70 & F-00082 $6.70, which replace the
old F-1206E, see attached."

Bear in mind, I have an SLSA.

Thanks, I'm flying a SLSA also. I will order these parts, the vernier throttle and the parts for the two latests SBs. I'm going to the LSRM course in May and will tackle these jobs on return.
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Bulkhead done

I too used my down time for annual to modify the bulkhead wall like Tony did, and I purchased the split floor panel from Vans. I'm sure I will be glad I did in the future as annuals continue.

By the way the split floor panels from Vans have several extra holes which gave me pause at first wondering what is going on here. I checked back with support and those added holes are associated with the Garmin install somehow. Since I have Skyview I just left them blank.
Split Floor Panels

Reference post #8 above: Parts for this are F-00081 $8.70 & F-00082 $6.70, which replace the old F-1206E, see attached."
The parts required if splitting the floor only are F-00081 and F-00083. F-00082 is a stiffener for Garmin installation only and not required if only using parts for splitting the floor.
It would help if Vans put these drawings on the update site. I ordered per this post and now have to order F-00083 from Vans. Should have checked I guess.
Jim D
Just had my avionics delivered, and those parts (F-00081&F00083) came with it.
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A Question for those who have done this.

F-00081 "floats" at one end. Is there another bearing bracket for this. Does anyone with a later kit have a drawing for this arrangement. The absence of an update drawing from Vans is a little frustrating. Am I missing a piece?
F-00081 "floats" at one end. Is there another bearing bracket for this. Does anyone with a later kit have a drawing for this arrangement. The absence of an update drawing from Vans is a little frustrating. Am I missing a piece?

I don't under stand your question.
The original full length cover is replaced by two covers that overlap along one row of screws, so there is no end of either cover that floats.....