
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
... discussed in another thread, and drifting from OP's topic, so I split it off here into its own dedicated thread. Looks neat!

(Scott M.). The top cowl removes in the conventional manner. The bottom cowl has been split into two pieces to simplify its removal with the three blade prop.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 8.33.41 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 8.33.50 AM.png
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Good timing. This looks like a perfect solution to fitting a filter box for my new RV-10 project (Cold Air Sump IO-540 with a modified James Cowl).

If the split was on the other side could you set things up so you can do an oil change without removing the top and other half of the bottom cowl?
If the split was on the other side could you set things up so you can do an oil change without removing the top and other half of the bottom cowl?
Not if you used the standard attachment system of hinges because you need the top cowl removed to remove the side pins for either bottom section.
If you used a different cowl fastening method, then you could, but I strongly discourage that idea for the reason that has been discussed many times here in the forums.
There are a lot of things that can begin to go wrong between oil change intervals and removing the entire cowl and doing a thorough inspection of the engine compartment while doing an oil change is a very smart thing to do.
A lot of issues that could have turned into something extremely serious get discovered during oil changes.
The very small amount of time saved not removing the entire cowling, especially if it was made easy to do, is just not worth it.
Very nice! My bottom cowl is split, slightly differently from this, done by Saint Aviation. It makes removal much easier. I still remove the entire cowl during oil changes for reasons given above.