
Well Known Member
Attempted to install the Jihostroj governor onto my IO-375 today. You have to insert the shaft from the governor into receiving splines on the engine. No matter how slowly and carefully we rotated them, they never mated. Upon more careful investigation, it appears they never will. Or can. Different splines, which appear to be incompatible. Email sent off to Whirl Wind who supplied the controller. Apparently, not all things that should be standardized, are standardized.


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Probably solved

What is not obvious is that the central shaft of the governor is NOT centered within the 4 mounting bolts.

Our initial attempt at mounting put the rounded edge of the governor at 10 o'clock, and it absolutely did not fit. I now believe it was because the shaft was not aligned with the receiving recess in the governor - not the splines.

The governor was re-mounted with the rounded edge of the governor at 2 o'clock as viewed from the rear, and it slid in easily.

I am awaiting confirmation from Whirl Wind who supplied the governor that I've got it right this time.

Survived another temporary heart attack.
The governor MUST go on a certain way to ensure that the correct governor ports line up with the matching engine case ports. I suspect that the manufacturer offset the center on purpose to prevent folks that don't know any better from installing it incorrectly.