
Hi. Currently doing Spin, loop and roll training in Salem (38D) with John Dye's Bad Attitude flight training in a super Decathlon. I hope to be able to transition this training to my RV7a. Looks like I have to do that on my own.

Anyone have a comment on how the RV7 spins?

The RVator had an article about this when Vans changed to the 9 rudder from the 8/6 rudder.

I am interested in this as considering using the 8 rudder for VNE reasons.
Check this Thread


This thread has to do with Competition spins, but much of this info will be applicable, you just don't have to worry about how the entry or exit displays to a judge. As I say, the spin in a -7 winds up after the entry turn. The engine can stop after 4 turns, in my experience, due to fuel migrating outboard. It will resume running on the recovery.

Bill. Your thinking on VNE reasons for the -8 rudder, please. Thanks.

Best regards,

I did my first few spins in my new -7 today. In a stall the right wing drops so left spins took a little longer to get into. The previous post about it winding up after the first rotation was quite pronounced. I went to 2 tuns and recovery was quick by neutralizing the stick and using opposite rudder. I have flown Decathlon for years and it looked like the RV had a more nose down attitude in the spin that I am used to in the Decathlon.
Rudder first please!

Just a warning and no offense, but please always use rudder first, and then forward stick. Too much of the reverse will cause a change-over spin - you will then be in an inverted spin and very confused.

Best regards,

....always use rudder first, and then forward stick.

Rich Stowell (and others) teaches the PARE technique for spin recovery:

P - Power (off)
A - Ailerons (neutral)
R - Rudder (opposite rotation)
E - Elevator (forward of neutral (for upright spin))

In that order.

Of course once the spin stops then Rudder neutral and Elevator eased back to recover level flight.

Rich also wrote a very good book on spins "Stall/Spin Awareness". Highly recommended reading for anyone interested in an in depth look at this phenomenon.

I have no personal interest other than I took "Emergency Maneuver Training" from Rich.

Absolutely correct Mark! Sorry, I concentrated on the correct order of just two elements. The PARE solution is the complete solution. Thanks!

Best regards,


Leading the spin recovery with elevator will quickly and dramatically accelerate the rate of rotation. If you watch some of the Oshkosh airshow performers carefully you will see rotation rates faster then you can count. Upwards of 15 turns in the time it takes to count to ten. Once an autorotation has been established reducing the angle of attack greatly increases the rate of rotation.
There is an excellent article in the August issue of EAA Sport Aviation, written by Van, about aerobatics in RV's.