
Ok. So, I have read everything I have been able to research on spins in the -12. I have seen opinions from all sides. One of the main reasons I have decided on the -12 for my first plane is to teach my daughter. I get the opinions and the arguments from all sides. I ahave over 5,000 of IP time (spins and light acro/upset training and military instruction included). I am also an ATP with multiple type ratings and the Chief Pilot for a corporate flight department. I don?t say that to brag, but to let you guys know that I am asking this from a professional standpoint. I do not want to do anything dangerous or stupid, but I want to be able to train my daughter to the fullest extent possible in this plane.

What have you found the spin characteristics to be? From the guys that are doing/have done them. I do not intend to do any other aerobatics, but I consider spin training to be a crucial part of flight training.
Every RV-12 I I have been in has a decal that says "Do not induce spins".

Call Van's or email them for the facts, straight from the horses mouth.

I know the guys over at Sling aircraft took their Sling 2 into a spin, with trained test pilots, and lost the plane. A Sling 2 is pretty darn close to an RV-12. Not saying the engineering is identical, but its a comparison, at most.

Another option, get your daughter some cross training in a Cessna, or Beechcraft or whatever, and have her train with spins in their rental aircraft with an instructor.
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The 12 has been spin tested but as per the POH, intentional spins are prohibited. However, the POH describes the recovery procedure for inadvertent spins. You can also find a video of the original spin tests on uTube.
I understand the Sling 2 was at or over its cg limit when things went wrong. The two pilots bailed out, after which it recovered but landed in the ocean.
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That?s a lot of experience. Think back over your IP career. Have you ever recommended that a student do something in an airplane that the manufacturer says is prohibited? If anything were to happen the NTSB report would be damning.

Don?t get me wrong. I?m all in favor of spin training, but it only takes an hour or two so he not just rent a Cessna 150 or 152 for those lessons? When rather reason is explained it reinforces respect for the operating limitations s and lets the student get the feel of a different type.
Read AC 61-67C. The RV-12 is certified as a Special Category, Light Sport Aircraft. I?m pretty sure Van?s spin tested the design but did not characterized performance beyond a few turns. Therefore, spin are not permitted.