
Well Known Member
While riveting the spinner backing plate one of the 470-4 rivets clinched leaving an oblong hole. I’m considering upsizing the hole but am not sure adding a larger rivet but am not sure if I should consider the balance effect this may have.

After looking closely at the picture, it looks like the hole isn't necessarily oblong as much as the backing plate is deformed slightly.

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While riveting the spinner backing plate one of the 470-4 rivets clinched leaving an oblong hole. I’m considering upsizing the hole but am not sure adding a larger rivet but am not sure if I should consider the balance effect this may have.

Do you have a pic?
Redo it. You could probably hack it together and be fine, but it's cheap parts. Consider that one practice :D
Clean up that hole best you can & rivet it. Add another rivet about 1/2” from it, as well, one on the other side (180 deg) for balance.
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If it cleans up with an OS rivet than that would be fine. Don't worry about the balance, 1 rivet is insignificant in the balance equation.
If you tap it flat carefully with a hammer on a smooth surface (e.g. back riveting plate) I think it should be fine and I don't think it will need an oversize rivet. That is what I would do.
Analysis paralysis. After reading tons of threads on prop balancing, vibration, etc, I had to know the delta in weight, even though I figured it was fine.

Using 20 rivets to get a decent weight to compare, there was ~0.2g difference in a 4-4 and 5-4 rivet.

Now to get back at it!
If it cleans up with an OS rivet than that would be fine. Don't worry about the balance, 1 rivet is insignificant in the balance equation.

Plus one for this suggestion. This is not much distance far from the center of the hub, hence less of an effect on the balance. One rivet is probably less then a gram of weight.
Just to close the loop - upsized the hole this morning to #21 and used the C-Frame with long back rivet set to set the 5-5 rivet. You really have to look closely to see which rivet it was replaced.