
Well Known Member
Hey Guys,
After 15 months of flying my airplane, I finally got around to fabricating and installing the spinner filler plates that go behind the prop blades. Any of you notice or feel a difference in the vibration or balance of the prop /spinner assembly? My feeling is that it's got to throw things off a little. I have a standard Hartzell constant speed and I'm sure the filler plates have to be heavier than one of those little weights on the prop. I haven't yet dynamically balanced my prop since I have yet to paint my airplane. My prop guy suggested I wait 'til the spinner is painted before I get it dynamically balanced. So if paint can make a difference, the filler plates must have some effect?! I was going to do an engine run today to see if I could feel a difference before I take it up in the air, but ran out of time.

Thanks for your help!

N84JE RV-8 210 hrs of grinnin'
I never ran mine without them Jerry - so I can't tell you if there is a difference or not!
filling the holes

The filler plates should'nt make a difference if they are the same size and weight, should be balanced. The spinner would also have less turbulance around the root of the prop blade. Might add 20 kts to top speed!! :D:D

Hi Jerry:

Victor is right about not making any difference in balance. Mine only made 10 knots difference in speed though.:rolleyes:

Stop by KAJR sometime. 770-519-4999.
What about cooling?

Isn't the main reason they are there is to guide the air into the air inlets?
Thanks guys. I just got back from a 4 day trip. I'll fly the airplane tomorrow and see if I feel any difference. Thanks again!
