
Well Known Member
Planning GRT HXR's with dual AHRS's for my RV-10 panel, and thinking about backups. One option is a pitot/static/AHRS unit like the trutrak Gemini PFD or the new GRT mini, the other option is something like the Dynon D1/D2. The first would give me pitot/static driven airspeed and altitude, the other GPS driven. I understand the pitot is normally better, but when would I use the backup, obviously one time would be if the both HXR's or both AHRS failed, they will have battery backup, so I think this would be quite rare. Another time a backup would be nice is if a pitot or static clogs, in that case while normally less accurate it seems like the GPS driven unit might be better.

Any thoughts?
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Depending on how soon you are looking at needing this, you might want to look at the new Avmap Ultra. Has pitot /static, AHRS as well as GPS. Has primary flight display and will also give HSI & ADF direction and distance as well as frequency to selected point (VOR, Airport etc) which are in updateable Jeppesen database.
This unit is being offered by Aircraft Spruce but not sure if they actually have any for sale yet or not. Unit is still undergoing field testing but is much more mature than some of the previous Avmap offerings had been when first announced.

I have chosen the Dynon D6. It is completly independent and has it's own internal back-up battery.
The TruTrak requires a GPS input. If my EFIS's fail my GPS probably also failed.
I have chosen the Dynon D6. It is completly independent and has it's own internal back-up battery.
The TruTrak requires a GPS input. If my EFIS's fail my GPS probably also failed.

It doesn't necessarily REQUIRE a GPS connection, it is suggested. However, without a GPS the DG on the Gemini works the same as an unslaved gyro. It has to be set to a compass heading.
I ran Dynon as my primary screens, and used the MGL Xtreme mini-EFIS for a backup. With its own GPS feed and ADARS it makes a fine backup. I wanted something from a different manufacturer to avoid a possible software issue taking everything out.
I am thinking that the odds of losing attitude/altitude from both main battery backed up EFIS screens and AHRS units is as likely to be from a blocked pitot or static port as it is from both units going down at the same time. Thus I am leaning towards a backup that has its own independent GPS and battery and does not need pitot or static, recognizing that it will give somewhat different information than a pitot/static set of readings.

I have found Xavion to run smooth and reliable On I pad on two cross continent trips over remote northern bush. It also has IFR approach waypoints and all known airports from 60 deg north lat. to 60 deg south. It works best when velcroed or mounted directly in front of the pilot in a near verticle orientation. It uses both the US GPS and the GLONAS Russian gps systems as well as the IPAds internal inertial sensors. In short, Xavion is wunderbar. Waypoint insertion or deletion is quick and easy.

If used only for back up flight instruments it is well worth the price.
Thanks Lucas I did not know that.
Bill, When I was doing my planning I was considering heated Pitot for IFR. Had a friend remind me that we have GPS speed and Altitude. I can do without Pitot and static if needed. I doubt that your need for a back-up or efis failure will be pitot or static related.
At the risk of spilling the beans...

The Mini is our new backup EFIS that's coming out in the next couple of months. It's still sort of under wraps. I can tell you that the advanced model will also be able to control the GRT autopilot servos independently of the EFIS. None of the other brands out there can do that. Plus, by staying with GRT you'll have the same type of user interface across the entire panel.

The likelihood of a brand-wide software glitch taking out everything in IFR conditions is highly unlikely. We test our software updates thoroughly here before release, and because every airplane is different, you should flight test your system after every software update thoroughly in VFR conditions before taking it IFR. The airlines have had this happen, I believe, but they also do not have the luxury of flying each individual aircraft after a software update to test everything.

I'll have MUCH more information on the Mini when it's ready to be released. You guys will be the first to know. :cool:
you'll have the same type of user interface across the entire panel.

There is a lot of truth to this statement, specially if the intention is for a back up in IMC.

I end up going with steam gauges for back up, mainly for fear of complete electrical meltdown. They are reliable and simple but with two HXr, you probably won't have enough real estate left on your panel for that.
Didn't Stein have the mini at his booth at Oshkosh?

Yep. It was the brightest mini EFIS on Stein's display panel! Unfortunately (er-- fortunately?) we were so busy I didn't even get over there with my camera to take a picture of it. But a lot of people got a sneak peek of it there.
KatieB, please tell me it will be small like a d10, it will have a true ADHARS, will also display EMS, will have an HSI as well, and an AP, and it will match the looks of the HXR bezel, and it will not cost 4 grand.