David Paule

Well Known Member
...As it applies to the RV-3B:

My typical working speed building this thing is very slow. If I try to go faster, I go backwards.

Enjoy the process ?

David, I am retired and the greatest blessing I can conceive is to say," we will accomplish some more tomorrow"....Larry
Quantum mechanics and RV building is even more vexing. When you drop something small in the shop, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle takes over and you can never be certain where the darned thing went.
On the other hand, based on the Copenhagen Interpretation there exists another universe wherein you never dropped it...:eek:
Then there is the bird theory: you dropped it but you did not see it fall, therefore it never really fell, we assume it did because we think gravity is constant; being we have no true definition for gravity, we can not be totally sure that it fell.:rolleyes:

On another subject: if a tree falls in the woods and there is no woman around to hear it, is it still the man's fault? :)
Then there is the bird theory: you dropped it but you did not see it fall, therefore it never really fell, we assume it did because we think gravity is constant; being we have no true definition for gravity, we can not be totally sure that it fell.:rolleyes:

I have come close to proving that the bird theory is an observation of the principles of horizontal gravity in action. Items do get dropped but they never make it to the floor. They are propelled at an angle and will accelerate until they reach horizontal terminal velocity.

When I drop a piece and do not see it fall, I will often try to replicate the scenario by using another piece, placing my hand in the exact location of the first drop, and letting the piece fall. Usually these pieces vanish from the face of the earth, never to be seen again. I discussed this with my wife and she has had similar experiences around the house where for some unknown reason one of my socks will disappear from the laundry basket, leaving me with several unpaired socks in my dresser draw.

The unsolved mysteries of RV building!
You are on the front side of the virtual particle aspect of the Heisenberg theory. Particles disappearing. I am on the other side. Particles appearing. (Cabin floor and under seat pans) even after meticulous cleaning on assy.:eek:

You are on the front side of the virtual particle aspect of the Heisenberg theory. Particles disappearing. I am on the other side. Particles appearing. (Cabin floor and under seat pans) even after meticulous cleaning on assy.:eek:

If any of Dave's pieces show up could you let him know?
It is amazing to me when I drop something I can't find it when I look, then find it when I stop looking. :confused:
Finding stuff

Walk around the shop bare footed after a six pack of Coors. You will find stuff that you didn't know was missing!!!
You are on the front side of the virtual particle aspect of the Heisenberg theory. Particles disappearing. I am on the other side. Particles appearing. (Cabin floor and under seat pans) even after meticulous cleaning on assy.:eek:

You guys now have working teleportation...patent office time:D