Well to start I have been on Special Issuance Medical for about 8 years now. Requires the regular stress test yearly, which I pass with flying colors, once in awhile the FAA will ask for a 24 hour halter monitor check, which hasn't been a problem. This year I got my medical last October then received a notice from the FAA that they would like to see the heart cath report that was done back in 2007?
and also a 24 hour halter monitor report, okay so I provided both a month ago. Last year I also had a episode of AFIB, which I have had about four times in the last 9 years, which they have always been aware of throughout the years, never been a concern in the past, and as far as I know isn't a concern now either according to the correspondence we have had. Here is where it gets interesting, I receive a letter from the FAA that they would like me to confer with my cardiologist about getting another Heart Cath? They also say that without another Heart Cath I will be forced to return my medical. So I talk with my cardiologist about the need for this in which he says Mr. Ellison there is no reason to put you at that risk. Your stress/echo tests have always been good, had I began to see in those tests signs of something going on, along with some other testing, it might be considered, but in my opinion I do not see the need for that.
So he wrote a very nice letter to the FAA stating why he doesn't feel that is necessary and the potential risk. Well it appears that the FAA is still requiring me to have a Heart Cath or I lose my medical!!!!
I go to Greg Pinnell, M.D. Private Pilot ~ Flight Surgeon USAFR, he is one of the best in our area of Michigan He had told me that the letter from my cardiologist would be all I need. He had the authority to give me my medical last October as he has always done. It just completely blows my mind that the FAA can require me to do a Heart Cath when my cardiologist and my Flight Surgeon don't see the need. I did contact the FAA about all this and was told the our standards are different than perhaps you cardiologist, but they also said a letter from my cardiologist can sometimes do the trick. Evidently not this time.
Would really appreciate your thoughts and ideas as to where to go from here. I really don't want to risk a heart cath and also my health insurance will not pay for any of that because the cardiologist has no justification to do so. He also mentioned that in the letter to the FAA;
At a lose in this.
I would check back with Greg Pinnell and let him make a call to the FAA in your behalf. My thought is that he should be able to straighten him out. I am on the EAA Aeromedical Council with him and he well informed and a good guy.

Good luck.

Sorry I dont have any answers for you as I am in the same boat.

I still have not gotten a response from those folks at OK.

This process is totally out of control and it seems that there is little to nothing we can do about it other than hope that this mess gets fixed with new lawmaking....
One other possible source of help in dealing with the FAA Medical Branch is the UTMB Aerospace Medicine Center. When I was at my wits end trying to get my 3rd Class medical special issuance, I finally called them. They were able to talk directly to the FAA Medical folks to find out exactly what they wanted, and helped me to quickly satisfy them and get my medical. I worked with Johnene Vardiman <[email protected]> (409) 747-9176 as my primary contact, and with Dr. Charles Mathers of their practice.

It sounds like you may already have someone who can work directly with the FAA on your behalf with Dr. Greg Pinnell , but if he isn't able to resolve your issue I suggest you give Johnene a call to see if they can help. I highly recommend the UTMB Aerospace Center, based on the help they have provided me!

Best of luck,
Perhaps, if ALL else fails, find out if your congressional reps support the PBOR2 bill, and set up a meeting with them to get some "assistance" (depending on their view of the FAA)?

It'd be a long shot, but they are supposed to represent you in DC, and can help in dealing with other agencies (they do it all the time for people with issues with HHS, SSA, etc.).
As an alternative, you might see if the Feds would accept a CT-angiogram. Less risk than conventional angiogram tho you would still have to consider the cost. Maybe skin the cat that way.
I've had a Class III Special Issuance for 9 years due to hypertension and then a mitral valve replacement. The first SI after the valve surgery in 2009 took a while but after that, each annual SI renewal went smoothly. I have had the same AME every year...until he retired this year. The new AME informed me that Dr Silberman who recently retired as head of FAA Aeromedical branch was a cardiologist and the new "folks in charge" have a different view on certain heart issues. He wanted to check with them before I completed the computer update for my medical. After 3 weeks of waiting he told me he got a "green light" on my cardio report and I could schedule the office exam with him. I don't have a good understanding at this point of what his concern was. FWIW there's my situation. I go next week for my exam. Good luck to you.
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