
Well Known Member
Well its been a pretty special week for me.
My son built his first full piece. (rv axle wrench from start peeling plastic, cleco, drill, debur, rivet, scotchbrite, and paint start to finish. AWESOME

Friends of mine and fellow RV builders Perry Burford and Peter Marshall came and helped me mount the engine today. AWESOME

My father in law (Harv) who has been my major helper every build day since the start was here to help us on this milestone day. Harv was in intensive care for over a month at the regional heart hospital just two months ago. He was in real rough shape and is now back on track. Glad he was here for this big day and will continue to be a huge part of this project. AWESOME.

All the best to my VAF buddies, build on and enjoy your special days.

Some say it gets even better when she is flying...I am not so sure...this was a great great week. Blue skies.:D
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Wow !

I love this post. What a great holiday experience for three generations of builders.
