
Well Known Member
This one is for all the "specialty shoppers" out there ;-) I am looking for the high temp Adel clamps, which I think are purple or white in color to use close to the engine.

I have also seem some oval adel clamps for holding two plug wires. I suppose you could just "oval" a round one but I think there are some that are made specifically for plug wires.

Can't seem to find any on the Spuce site. Sure would appreciate a link or part number or better yet,... a source?

Bill S
7a finishing
Spruce sells them...

This one is for all the "specialty shoppers" out there ;-) I am looking for the high temp Adel clamps, which I think are purple or white in color to use close to the engine.

I have also seem some oval adel clamps for holding two plug wires. I suppose you could just "oval" a round one but I think there are some that are made specifically for plug wires.

Can't seem to find any on the Spuce site. Sure would appreciate a link or part number or better yet,... a source?

Bill S
7a finishing

...they just don't want you to find them...:)

Search on the Slick part number --

08-04393 SLICK M2755 TWO WIRE CLAMP ASY $2.950

08-04392 SLICK M2754 SINGLE WIRE CLAMP $2.900

These are the white "adel like" clamps.
White High-Temp Clamps

I get them from a company called High Line. They are on the internet and have local distrubutors that will sell you any size you need. You have to contact them via internet then they will give you the name of your local dealer. I used these exclusively on my FWF installation. I hope this helps.
McMaster sells them

I buy from Mcmaster Carr. They have a good assortment of high temp Adel clamps.
ADEL color codes etc.

tagging on an old thread, rather than starting anew.....
I've not seen this before, and a recent post with a fellow's BEAUTIFUL FWF had me thinking......what color should we be seeing above the engine ( hot) below the engine ( oily/hot) and elsewhere.
a nano-second with Google brought me to this, which was quite interesting

apparently, most of us missed the bus and should have some purple in there eh? :rolleyes:
Not so sure about that, Perry. From the chart it would seem we want BLUE fluorosilicone clamps since we most definitely have petroleum products forward of the firewall. Seems strange that we use white clamps from Slick for our ignition wires when those clamps are not resistant to petroleum fluids. For clamps to engine mounts etc I use the WDG series which are resistant to petroleum. Since I don't have any fancy hydraulic fluid forward of the firewall I suspect I'm better off using clamps which are resistant to petroleum-based fluids.
bifocals needed?????

Not so sure about that, Perry. From the chart it would seem we want BLUE fluorosilicone clamps since we most definitely have petroleum products forward of the firewall. Seems strange that we use white clamps from Slick for our ignition wires when those clamps are not resistant to petroleum fluids. For clamps to engine mounts etc I use the WDG series which are resistant to petroleum. Since I don't have any fancy hydraulic fluid forward of the firewall I suspect I'm better off using clamps which are resistant to petroleum-based fluids.

of course, you are right! BLUE!, and probably CJ coded bands.
again, never seen one!

so all those black ones I have really aren't appropriate, down low, where it's oily, but hot,
white is generally better, temp wise. ok on top of the engine.
Blue for hot & oily.

If I'm gonna change 62 of these #@$&$*% Adel's .....I'm gonna buy some of those groovy pliers ( or make some)!!!!
Darn it, I selected the white ones based on the temperature guidance on McMaster's website, which doesn't say anything about materials compatibility... shame on me for not researching further. I suppose I'll just keep an eye on them and replace them as required.

One thing to consider is that the plain black DG clamps that most aircraft have been using are Chloroprene which are for use in areas contaminated with petroleum based hydraulic fluids and occasional fuel splash. The engine compartment definitely is contaminated with petroleum based fluids and I would hope that there would only be an occasional splash of fuel.

I do admit that there are better elastomers available but how many certified old aircraft have you seen in your life that use the black ones? I cannot say that I have ever seen one that has failed due to degradation?

Some times good enough is good enough.
but how many certified old aircraft have you seen in your life that use the black ones? I cannot say that I have ever seen one that has failed due to degradation?

Some times good enough is good enough.

This is my thought exactly. Are you guys finding a solution without a problem?

While I'm no expert, I recall exactly 0 threads about failed Adel clamps due to the cushion degrading.

Course, my memory isn't what it used to be either.