Have an RV6 w/ )360 B1A running mag on bottom plugs and E ignition on top. E plugs are Denso W24 EMR-C. Would like to change to Iridium type _ Bosh Fusion maybe or NGK or similar - can't find a conversion chart that lists the Denso number to convert. Anyone have any advice re plug numbers for this. Tks. Also any advantage to running similar plugs on the mag side rather than current av plugs.
Welcome to the VAF forum, where all your RV questions can be answered.

Try hitting the search button and keying in "spark plug", this same topic just came up the other week.

IIRC, no one replied with an answer to the spark plug heat range question, but check.
As I said, welcome to the forum.

Once you start using that search function, you will surprised at what a large Knowledge Base is out there.

Almost any aviation question you can think of has already been asked and answered. The depth of knowledge of some of the board members is downright frightening.