
Well Known Member
Seems I have a small interference between a spar rivet and one of my wing walk ribs. Anyone have had a similar issue? I think I might do a little surgery and trim back the rib flange to clear.

(P.s. the right wing rivet in the same location is close but not interfering like the left side. I have double checked that I have the correct ribs and correct orientation.)
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I don't recall having that issue. I'd triple check...if it is the correct part, I don't see an issue in your proposed trim.
I just checked mine out in the shop .. there's at least 3/32 clearance around all the spar rivets.

+1 on double checking the part number on the ribs.
From your photo, it looks like the offending rivet is out of line with the other two in the photo, and is farther away from the spar flange, which makes it closer and bumps into the rib flange.
Seems I have a small interference between a spar rivet and one of my wing walk ribs. Anyone have had a similar issue? I think I might do a little surgery and trim back the rib flange to clear.

(P.s. the right wing rivet in the same location is close but not interfering like the left side. I have double checked that I have the correct ribs and correct orientation.)

Well, you're not going to do anything about the rivet in the spar, so that doesn't really leave any option other than a bit of really minor trimming on the rib flange, does it?

Build on!
One of those moments

You mean I shouldn't grind the spar rivet down??!!:D:D

One of those moments when working late at night and noticed this...And begin to scratch my head. I've never come across this in any discussions or build logs yet. Was certain something strange was going on.

Triple checked the parts and orientation. Its correct. Yup...The spar rivets are a bit jostled and don't all line up on both spars. This one rivet seems to be offset just a bit more than the others. Must be the way they set-up/drill the spars at the factory.

Time to break out the files and scotchbrite and go to work!:cool: