Brett H

Active Member
I am just getting started on the Wing Kit and I have two questions about the spars.

1.) On the spar assemby W-1206 on page 13-02 step 5, figure 4 why is the extrusion for the Tie Down to be tapped on top and botton rather than just the bottom?

2.) The inboard end of the Rear Spar and Stub Spar have a rounded shape. I have been dressing / cleaning up the rough edges of the parts prior to assembly. What is the purpose of this rounded ended? Is there something that I should be aware of before "cleaning up" these parts?

Many thanks.

Columbus, IN
Rear and Stub spars

Be sure to read the KAI on this section all the way through before deburring and cleaning the parts. The rounded ends of the rear spar and stub spar need to be matched and fitted to the female sockets that they fit into on the fuselage. If you just start filing the rounded ends you may take off too much metal and they would not fit the socket snuggly
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As Paul said, don't dress those stub spars or their matching sockets in the fuselage too much, or you will be ordering new ones. I can speak from experience here. :(

Tapping the tie down extrusion has been extensively discussed here before. It's only needed on the bottom (use a Q-bit rather than an 11/32 if possible for a tighter fit). The top thread is not needed for anything except maybe as a possible lifting point (although some other imaginative uses have been suggested). The matching rivet hole in the top wing skin can just be plugged with a rivet.
By tapping both the top and bottom of the tiedown extrusion you could screw a tiedown ring or bolt into the top side of the wing (there is a small 1/8" hole on the top wing skin over the tiedown bracket). You could use this top side bolt hole to hoist the plane overhead I guess (two planes in one hangar!), mount ordinance, mount a camera, use it to fasten a removed wing to a holding/trailering fixture, install an above-wing mounted jet engine ala HondaJet, or do I as did and put a LP4-3 rivet in it.

Be careful "cleaning up" the stub spar and rear spar ends. I wasn't, and I had to shim the socket joint to eliminate about 1/32" play.

The top tie down hole could be used in trailering the wings. I just plugged my skin hole with a rivet.

I'm close by if you ever want to stop by.