
Well Known Member
I like to think that I keep my 12 up to date with the latest mods from Van's. I was looking over this spar pin switch upgrade, and I just cannot see the point of making a change. Reed switches are pretty reliable. We used them in the computer industry for keyboard switches that got pounded on, continuously, by data input operators, and had few failures. These contacts are sealed in glass, and thus are not subject to environmental issues, unlike most push button switches. Following a careful installation, I have had zero issues with my reed switches in two years of service. Any thoughts out there??

Originally - -

lots of us had problems with them. We found out what it took to make them work. I agree. If they are not giving you a problem, then just know switches are available.
Thank you Van's

I have adjusted, adjusted, adjusted....mine are now relatively stable; however, (I'm not flying yet) they have on occasion, suddenly gone wacko. All I need when my wife accompanies is to have that big red light come on.....she'll freak.

My motto is on something like this "keep it simple"....much less mystery to simple push button switches.
If it is not broken, do not fix it.

I agree.

The change was incorporated because a lot of people have trouble getting the original system adjusted so that it works properly. If you have a system that is working properly, there is no value in changing to the mechanical switches.
Thanks guys. I appreciate your thoughts and I will stay with my reed switches as long as they continue to function as planned.
Thanks guys. I appreciate your thoughts and I will stay with my reed switches as long as they continue to function as planned.

Took a little experimentation to get the switches set correctly during construction, but they have been working flawlessly for five years now. Agree with "not broke, don't fix."
Ditto what John said. Mine have worked fie for four years. A pain to set during construction, but they work.
If your reed switches are working, there is absolutely no reason to do the upgrade. Mine were intermittent so I ordered the mechanical ones.

I was surprised to see the documentation say it would take 5.5 hours. It need not take that long, as long as you are smarter than I was, and don't remove the wires of the reed switches until you have attached a string and can pull the new wires through those tiny bushings in the centre section. That job took a lot of patience and a lot of cursing for not thinking it through before I started the job!

After the installation, my spar warning light came on in flight - will have to make some fine adjustments. It's not a difficult job - worth doing if you are having trouble with the reed switches.

Flying! 16+ hours
Its the magnet.

Might be mistaken, but I rarely hear of reed switch failures (they are solid state...) , rather it seems more to do with getting the position of that magnet just right. Mine worked fine for about a year, then started to act up. If found pressing down on the spring ever so gently and then tightening up the screw on the side of the arm was usually all it took.

I had not not gotten to the point of wiring the reed switches so ordered the new switches and installed the mounting plate. There was a hole already in the aircraft so used it then drilled the other hole. Mounting went easy and I will not have problems later.
how reed switches work

I am not changing mine. no problems in five years . I am using them on my canopy warning systems as well.

I have just installed the contact type switche and it was easy to see if contacts were closed with ohm to see if they stay that way?? I think better than reed switches...not so touchy...Dick