
Can someone please direct me to where I can find information on the RV-3 spar mods that have been necessary on the older aircraft? I'm presently looking at buying a flying example of the type.

Thank You
spar mod, -3,-3A, -3B.

I have a -3A with the original Change notice CN-1-2 for root rib modification. THis mod has upper and lower 6061 angle and 1" x 1/8" flat bar riveted to the fuse/wing root ribs ( L&R). Requires re flight testing and noting placard on the panel that the aircraft has been limited to _+ and _- G's and is not to exceed.

CN-2-1 requires the wing skins to be removed to have access to the rear spar stub and is a bit of work to comply with. It is mandatory for aerobatic flight..

CAll Vans and ask for CN1-2 and CN-2-1 drawing package.

hope this helps
Spar Mod

I am working on finishing an older RV-3. I purchased the spar mod kits from Vans and very satifiied with the materials, plans and pictures they provided.
