
Well Known Member
Should the bolt holes in the spar web be drilled to 1/4" where they go into the K1000-4 nutplates? I'm thinking they need to be, but it is next to the bright green sticker saying the spar attach holes aren't to be touched which has me being cautious. I'm guessing the sticker is only for the 8 main bolts?

that pretty little sticker is for the spar attach holes, please dont do anything to them. Your nutplate holes need to be the correct size for the nutplate. happy building

I don't understand? I cut it twice, and it's still to short.

If you'd like to scrap your F-803 center section, than by all means go ahead and drill those holes. :eek: All the bolt holes for securing the wing spars to the center section must be a tight fit, generally you want to ream them for a tight fit to the bolts. Another method is to freeze the bolt and install them cold, so that they will barely fit [use of hammer] and expand into the holes when warmed up. Loose holes here can create an unsafe situation at high G loads. That is why you see those pretty stickers.
It sounds to me like you REALLY need to read through the directions a few more times, so that you have a clear understanding of what is going on.
I've read and I can't find anything one way or another. I know the hand-holding drops off considerably after the empennage kit, so I'm just not sure if that means it should be automatic by this point or if it should stay unmodified. I've sent an email to Van's, I'll see what they have to say. DWG-11A shows an AN4-13A bolt, not a close tolerance bolt but I agree I don't think I want a sloppy fit here.

Thanks everyone for your replies.
I suggest you skip ahead in the instructions to the point where the wings are installed.
PS Sorry about botching your name in my first post.
I sent an email to the mothership this morning. Their reply is as follows.
"We try and keep people from drilling or reaming in these areas. If you can get a bolt through there I would leave it alone, tight fit is normal."

I think I can get a bolt in there, I'm just also hoping the nutplate is aligned perfectly or there's almost no way it'll grab the threads. Thank you Charlie for your plea to not mess it up. Don't worry about the spelling, it happens. :)