Thanks all for your comments.
I will send more pics whith the work progress.

Yes Jon, I fly a Bucker. Here some pics.



Nice looking airplane. You will find a lot of similarities in flying qualities between the Bucker and the RV. I will send you pictures of my Bucker when I get home. Mine is Lycoming 0320 powered. As soon as you get your RV done, you will have two of the nicest flying machines ever made.
Buckers in America

Here is a pic of my Bucker last summer at the Montana Antique Airplane Assocation Annual Fly, Three Forks Montana. I flew with two other Bucker neighbors. There are actually four Buckers on the field here, very unusual.
Coincidently, the owner of the Swedish themed Bucker also owns an RV3. Small world. The other two Bucker are 0360 180HP lycoming powered. Mine is 150HP 0320 and does just great, light and sporty.
Keep in touch as you progress on your 3.