
Well Known Member
I am installing my cowl and I do not have my Hartzell propeller purchased yet. Vans instruction states to make a 2 1/4" spacer to take the place of the propeller while fitting the cowling.

The picture below shows the PVC pipe spacers that I made. They are 2 1/4" long and depicted by the red line. Am I interpreting the instructions correctly? Want to make sure before I cut the upper cowl.

Or you could buy, or rent, one of these from Blake at Flyboy Accessories:

Cowling installation tool


Fully adjustable, holds the cowling securely, no need to risk your prop, backplate, or futz with homemade spacer contraptions, and it's all CNC made so it's ACCURATE.
Back plate

As you have said Hartzell I am assuming you will be using a c/s prop - however it looks like you are using a fixed pitch spinner back plate? The method of backplate mounting is quite different as the c/s spinner screws.

This thread has a picture http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=110018&highlight=constant+speed+spinner

Not sure you will be able to accurately cut your cowling without a prop...


He's using the correct back plate. The center portion eventually gets cut out for constant speed use (the doubler becomes the cut-out template). However, the configuration shown in the OP's picture is the correct way to do the cowl fit-up without the constant speed prop. I used the same method to fit my cowl with excellent results before I had a Hartzell available.

i just went to the local prop shop and asked if they had a red tagged rear half in the scrap bin i could buy. they grabbed one and said here no problem, scrap aluminum is not worth much. if they are concerned about it getting back in the supply chain tell them to grind a big cut in the blade ring.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB