Well Known Member
I have a $187.80 credit voucher for Southwest that expires Monday October 13th. Instead of letting it go to waste I will give it to a fellow RV'er that can use it this weekend.

SWA voucher

Hi Charlie -

That is nice of you to offer your voucher to fellow RV-ers.

My wife and I planned on flying in our RV-7A to LOE this weekend, but are having reservations about flying together. She is very picky about what weather she is willing to fly in and we thought maybe she should fly commercial instead. So she would be happy to use your voucher to get a SWA flight to El Paso if it's still available and you don't have any other takers. Her name is Patti and her cell# is 972-567-7251 if you want to reach her to discuss further.


I'm happy to hear that I'm not that only one in that situation. :)

Hi Charlie -

That is nice of you to offer your voucher to fellow RV-ers.

My wife and I planned on flying in our RV-7A to LOE this weekend, but are having reservations about flying together. She is very picky about what weather she is willing to fly in and we thought maybe she should fly commercial instead. So she would be happy to use your voucher to get a SWA flight to El Paso if it's still available and you don't have any other takers. Her name is Patti and her cell# is 972-567-7251 if you want to reach her to discuss further.


Ticket still available

Thanks so much for the offer, Charlie, but I guess my wife has decided not to go at all if the weather conditions aren't okay to fly with me. The Southwest
flights from DAL to ELP are about $175 each way, so she decided to skip it. So hopefully someone else will contact you and be able to use your voucher. Glad to hear you live in the Lewisville area...we're just down the road in Plano. Hope to meet you sometime...my hangar is at AeroCountry in McKinney. We are members of the EAA Mckinney Chapter 1246, so maybe our paths will meet one of these days.

Thanks again for your generosity!!
