
I'm New Here
Hi Everyone!

I'm beginning to sniff around the idea of purchasing an RV-4 for some fun and time building, and was wondering if anybody in Southern Ontario would be willing to take me for a demo flight, or even just to talk about their aircraft (probably not until lockdown is over). Of course I'll pay for gas and any hamburgers involved :D

Also, does anybody have experience importing a homebuilt into Canada from the States? I've done a bit of reading on it but I wanted to see if there were any opinions out there.


Not sure about any importation info. But if we can ever cross the border again, there's several RV's here at KFNT (115nm West of London, ~45 mins RV speed, 2.4 hours in a car) including two RV-4's. I'd be glad to take you up and talk shop if scheduling and pandemics allow.

I think I'd need bigger N numbers (temporary) to come visit you. I've flown to YXU many times for work but never in my RV. I'd have to look up the customs procedures.

Tom would be a great guy to speak to Bennett and he’s local for you. I imported an RV4 about 13 years ago and it’s been an interesting ride. The process was a little arduous but doable with some help. There are a lot more airplanes south of the border as you have probably figured out.
I get down to YXU (actually Warren Field) several times every summer as long as there is no pandemic happening.
The RV4 is great little machine if you are the “right” size.;)
Happy New Year,
Stuff deleted....

I think I'd need bigger N numbers (temporary) to come visit you. I've flown to YXU many times for work but never in my RV. I'd have to look up the customs procedures.

I don't think you do. I believe that is only required when crossing an ADIZ (like going to the Caribbean or something).
Thanks for the help everyone!

I don't think you do. I believe that is only required when crossing an ADIZ (like going to the Caribbean or something).

I think Mark is right. CAR 202.01:

(1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall operate an aircraft in Canada unless its marks are visible and are displayed

(a) in the case of a Canadian aircraft, in accordance with the requirements of the Aircraft Marking and Registration Standards; and

(b) in the case of an aircraft registered in a foreign state, in accordance with the laws of that foreign state.

The only other thing you might want to double check is if there's any paperwork required to operate an amateur built aircraft in Canadian Airspace. Strictly speaking you need permission from the authority to do so, although I believe there is a bilateral agreement between Canada and the US which allows you to do so without applying.
Tom would be a great guy to speak to Bennett and he’s local for you. I imported an RV4 about 13 years ago and it’s been an interesting ride. The process was a little arduous but doable with some help. There are a lot more airplanes south of the border as you have probably figured out.
I get down to YXU (actually Warren Field) several times every summer as long as there is no pandemic happening.
The RV4 is great little machine if you are the “right” size.;)
Happy New Year,
777Dave, Any chance that RV-4 you imported 13 years ago was serial number 062? Sent you a PM. Its a plane my grandfather built, was sold to someone in Canada right around that same time-frame. I know it had some damage from an accident from another owner in 2005. Was a fuel selector error exactly as discussed in another RV-4 thread on this forum. Would love to know if the plane was ever fixed and re-registered. I have very fond memmories of flying in that aircraft with my grandfather 36 years ago!