
Well Known Member
Ok, a brief description about myself. I am an air traffic controller so I am very familiar with airspace, phraseology, most weather, etc etc. I recently got my private license and have nearly a 100 hrs in either a 152 or 172. I MAY get my instrument rating just to get back into the books and continue learning and understanding both sides of the frequency (sort of speak).

I am interested in buying my first airplane and I am a bit overwhelmed by which direction to take but the RV-6a seems to be the perfect airplane for me although it might be above my skill level at this point. Not to mention my wallet level. The things that appeal to me about the RV-6 is the pretty nice speed, the aerobatic cabability, and being able to buy an aircraft made within the last 10 years as opposed to a 40 yo Cessna. I have ZERO interest in building but wouldn't mind milling over a project or two to learn the systems.

My questions for you guys are many but the top few will follow. How do you afford it? How do you decide which airplane is best for you? Should I be researching a different plane or did I get lucky to zero in on Van's. Who works on your RV? Are there any hangars avail in the South Jersey area? Where does one get training? Where does one get AFFORDABLE insurance? and what IS affordable insurance?
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.................My questions for you guys are many but the top few will follow. How do you afford it? How do you decide which airplane is best for you? Should I be researching a different plane or did I get lucky to zero in on Van's. Who works on your RV? Are there any hangars avail in the South Jersey area? Where does one get training? Where does one get AFFORDABLE insurance? and what IS affordable insurance?

Hi Tony and welcome to the neatest airplane site there is. A) You afford it by driving an older paid for beater, don't eat out very often and limit other expenses like golf course fees, etc. There are several places that'll finance your RV including your local bank possibly (mine does). B) Decide on your mission profile...lots of cross country? Lots of dual in the airplane...acro? C) You work on your own RV because we experimental aircraft owners are allowed to do so by FAA regs. Only need an A@P for annuals unless you built it then you can do them. D) Most insurance runs around $2000 for 1 million liabilty and $65,000 hull. Don't fret over your abilities...You can get transition training from half a dozen guys in the USA.

Where in Jersey?

South Jersey is a lot bigger area than many would think. Which part of Southern NJ are you talking about?

I live in Central NJ by the Shore.
By South Jersey I mean the Cross Keys area. I know you guys must be biased but am I looking at the right aircraft? Is there a reasonable chance to acquire hangar space? $2000 for insurance makes me feel a bit better but would I be able to get such a rate considering my low time? If not would my IFR ticket help significantly?

Thanks for the replies. Would love to take a ride with someone...MAYBE I could give you a tour of ACY tower in exchange but that is contingent upon many variables.