
Any recommendations for an airport near NASA/Clear Lake? Would like to have fuel and hangar space for a few nights 10/5 -- 10/8.

Bones (One of us)
Ellington is an obvious choice, super close. I've only used Southwest Av Services for an FBO - expensive fuel, more expensive hangars, but decent enough service. Good controllers.

Since I'm rarely there more than overnight and the CT prefers MoGas, that's where I normally go, YMMV.

Baytown (HPY) is a bit north of where you are going, but their 100LL is $ 3.55right now and they would probably find some room in the big hanger. Probably a 30 minute drive to Clearlake from Baytown. They are extremely nice guys.
Pearland is a good close choice as well - but buy your fuel at Baytown on the way in or out - Pearlan seems to put a pretty high value on their 100LL.....

However, Ellington really is the closest in if you're headed to the Space Center. (And you get to see cool blue and white jets on the ramp....)