south coast flight

Hello Eddie
Great pics, as I was born and raised on the South coast in a little town called Coledale, 12 miles north of Wollongong. The coast road bridge made it a lot easier to drive around these days, as at one time you had to dodge falling rocks just there at Coalcliff.
I now live in Ft Lauderdale and have done for many years but it makes one a little home sick after seeing those great pics you posted.
Thanks and keep them coming.
I'm a Fan!

Hi Eddie, Thanks for posting! Anne-Marie scores again . . . Great Photos! What a beautiful coastline although some of the industrial stuff along the coast is a sober reminder of the industrial world we all live in. Still, I?m checking to see how much Qantas charges from Los Angeles to Sydney! Please tell Anne-Marie thanks for photo # 20 in that it?s great to see you guys flying in your RV-7. I?m a Seve photo album fan . . . Thanks Again!
Hi RJ and Guys

The flight was from Stanwell Park via Wollongong and Jervis Bay/Nowra down to Marouya and back.

Thanks for the nice comments, for those overseas if you ever come and visit, do let us know so that we can show you some of our back yard.

"South Coast" is perhaps a little cryptic. Which beaches are they?

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Thank you Eddie and Anne-Marie, those photos are like a tonic for this aviator originally from the Illawarra/Shoalhaven. When our kids were younger we used to enjoy this same route to Moruya in a 182 for a day at the beach.

BTW do you know what the red line on the water at Port Kembla boat ramp is?
Hi Malndi,

Glad you enjoyed the photos.

I can only think it's some sort of floating barrier to stop oil or some other spill from spreading.

Thank you Eddie and Anne-Marie, those photos are like a tonic for this aviator originally from the Illawarra/Shoalhaven. When our kids were younger we used to enjoy this same route to Moruya in a 182 for a day at the beach.

BTW do you know what the red line on the water at Port Kembla boat ramp is?

Nice Shots

Well done Eddie - South Coast surely is beautiful. Was based at Wedderburn myself for a while. The scenery and approach back to YWBN certainly brings back some fond memories :)

VH-XRM based out of YTYA
What a small world

Hi Eddie

I went to visit a business friend at Stanwell park earlier this year all the way from South Africa. We drove past Stanwell park airport on Harley Davidson's and were very tempted to see if I can spot an RV somewhere. I went for my first ever hang-glide from the cliff at Stanwell park. What a lovely community and beautiful area!
