
Well Known Member
Hi RVators,

* 4 Days,
* 2500 Miles,
* 15 Hours of Breathtaking Flying this Beautiful Country's Coastline,
* Weather CAVOK all the way, blue skies 90% of the time
* Meeting some Fantastic People, and
* Doing it in your homebuilt plane without a single glitch?Priceless!

I am busy sorting the pictures and stories and will post them later here below:


Hi RVators,

Having finished building my RV, flying it around the cabbage patch for about 60 hours to proof it is safe and a worthy travel machine, it was time for it to stretch her legs?a long trip, 2500 miles along our Beautiful South African Coastline. Initially I was going to do it with the company of 2 other aircraft Cirrus SR22?s, but they decided not to join, so it was me, my wife and my RV?

Day 1:
Route WEST: Springs, Klerksdorp, Kuruman, Upington [FAUPl] to refuel, along the Orange river, West coast Alexander Bay, Down SOUTH to KleinZee[FAKZ].

The initial plan was to do a clock wise route, but due to anticipated bad weather along the eastern coast, I changed it the other way around, West coast first.

Getting ready to leave at sunrise, Bags and Jerry Fuel can handy. Why the Jerry can??? Cause I run my right tank on Mogas and most airports don?t serve Mogas.

Me and my wife ready and at the start of our adventure!

The predicted weather was good with only one single rain cloud close to our departure point over Vereniging, but not in our path. It was a beautiful sight.

There are some beautiful mountain formations on the route to our first stop Upington

Refueling with a Regional Jet in the background

A pretty picture at Upington with the Blue African Sky begging us to take flight again.

From Upington, we picked up the Orange River, we plan to fly it all along it, the border of South Africa to the Western most point. . This area is quite barren, semi dessert, to full dessert as you fly along the river to the west coast. First on the Orange River agenda was the Augrabies Waterfalls.


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DAY 1 continue...



In the Desert the Orange River gives life, fantastic lush green fields every now and then.



The landscape is quite dramatic, almost the ?grand canyon? of South Africa, the mountain formations very contrasting in the barren desert.





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DAY 1 continue...

We reached the coast at Alexander bay and turned south along the ?Skeleton Coast?. This area is rich in diamonds and you see diamond mining all along the coast, even in the water as these diamond fishing boats prove.

A Shipwreck along this coastline proves it name.


Our first overnight destination was Kleinzee, a diamond mining town. Lucky our wonderful host Rodney organized all the authorizations and clearances for us to land and go into this very strictly controlled Diamond town. Public are not welcome. Rodney was fantastic and assisted us in every way, going out of his way to help us. Thanx Rondey!

The best picture of the day is the one below, larger for your convenience.

The fist day saw us covering almost a 1,000 miles and our ?trip time? i.e. engine running time was 5H45.

?Day 2 to continue soon!

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WOW! about all I can say. Thanks so much Rudi, for your beautiful photos of a place very few of us in the U.S. know anything about. I'd love to see your country first-hand some day!

Great photos. I only wish I had an RV when I visited in 2005. I saw a lot of the country by auto, but it would be truly spectacular by air. Maybe next visit.... (And the geology is fantastic as well.) If/when you get over Lesotho, I would love to see a few photos of that from the air.


Hi Guys, thanks for your kind comments, below is the day 2 photos and story,

Day 2:
Route South to Capetown: KleinZee all along the West Coast non stop to Cape town Stellenbosh. The route is +/- 360 Miles and took us just more than 2 Hours.

We left just after sunrise, due to high predicted winds at our destination we wanted to ensure we get in early. This route is scattered with plenty of pretty light houses, and long deserted beaches.


We saw some Whales and Dolphins but the photographs did not come out to show you, the camera got confused with focusing on the sea ;-(

Then we saw it Cape town and the famous Table Mountain in the distant. It had its traditional table cloth of cloud just hanging over it. What a world famous sight!



Over Blouberg strand I turned inland not to run into Cape Town International Airport?s airspace.

We flew inland over Fisantekraal an old military airfield I believe.

DAY 2 continue...

Then south to Stellenbosh. This area is picturesque, with mountains and green valleys, lot of wine farms, and wine routes.


Stellenbosh airfield is the prettiest airfield I have ever seen, it is right next to beautiful mountains.

Finals for Stellenbosh, you want to take in the view but need to concentrate on finals ;-)


Refueling RV ZULU 7, standing proud at Stellenbosh.

Some pictures of this pretty airfield


The beach just south of Stellenbosh ?Strand?

My Fantastic host, Paul standing next to RV Zulu 7. He is a wonderful helpful person. Thanx Paul!

DAY 2 Continue ...


The best picture of the day is the one below, larger for your convenience. Table Mountain through the side rear of my aircraft. Experimental sign reflecting in the window, which depicts this flying best

?day 3 to continue soon!

What a beautiful country! You have everything there! How cold is the water there in the summer (now I guess)? Thanks again!
Rudi, Rudi, Rudi ...

Awesome trip with stunning visuals.

Inspirational to a builder still bucking rivets ... I mean ... popping rivets. RV-12 slip of the tongue ... :rolleyes: ;) :)

These beautiful pictures bring back memories of when I worked in Bloemfontein in the Orange Free State and then Cape Town. Beautiful scenery all the way!
Looking forward to the rest of the trip.:)
Day 3

Hi Guys, thanks for your kind comments, yes it was a Fantastic Experience?Below is day 3 photos and story,

Day 3:
Route South out of Stellenbosh until the coast then East all along the coast non stop to Port Alfred. The route is +/- 550 Miles and took us just more than 3 Hours.

Once again we left just after sunrise. The Weather Office said we would encounter broken cloud with a 2,000 ft ceiling initially making VFR along the cost flying possible. It would be impossible to go VFR inland initially in any case since the clouds was pushing up against the mountains. The Weather Office also said it would be clearing within the first 50 miles. The take off sight out of Stellenbosh was awesome. As soon as we were airborne the sun reflected between the see, cloud ceiling against the mountains. Spectacular! Just a pity my cheap camera could not capture the full glory.


We turned the corner going east and the clouds started breaking up. Mountains, Beaches and Valleys WOW! We flew over an area called Nature's Valley, ever wonder why?



These parts of the coast have lots of towns and holiday resorts scattered along it for our entire day 3 trip.



I think this is the ?Van Staden?s? bridge. People use it to bungee jump off, deep into the valley, or at least people use to 10 years ago when I was here by car.

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DAY 3 continue ...


Some more scenery along the coast





Knysna and the Knysna lagoon. The Knysna Heads protect the lagoon, and many skippers have miss judged their entry into the lagoon, so apparently many shipwrecks lie beneath the mouth.


St Francis airfield, a place I will be visiting soon again.

We arrived at our destination, Port Alfred, safe and sound. We paid a visit to their wonderful beach

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DAY 3 Continue...

Our hosts were Fantastic, going out of their way to make it enjoyable. Thank you Dirk, Mariaan and their son. We will be definitely visiting you again.


The best picture of the day is the also the first picture we took, larger for your convenience.

?day 4 to continue soon, the Wild Coast!

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What a beautiful country! You have everything there! How cold is the water there in the summer (now I guess)? Thanks again!

Hi TSwezey,
The Western side we have tha Atlantic Ocean which is COLD, hence few people on the beach on day 2. In comparision the Easter side we have the Indian Ocean which is tropical and warm as you go up, hence more people on the beach.
Great Pics Rudi. Looks like you had an enjoyable trip. Ready to do it again?

Hi Bearcat,
Yip it was fantastic. I will do it again, but not the whole trip, well maybe with a flying buddy next time 2 airplanes :D. I know now where all the nice places are, so in future I will only fly portions of it and stay over longer in one place. And have more of a holiday than a full packed flying expedition.
Hi Bearcat,
Yip it was fantastic. I will do it again, but not the whole trip, well maybe with a flying buddy next time 2 airplanes :D. I know now where all the nice places are, so in future I will only fly portions of it and stay over longer in one place. And have more of a holiday than a full packed flying expedition.

This is simply the best trip writeup I have ever seen. Great job Rudi.
Great Job!

Great Job, Rudi!!
If someone had told me Rudi Greyling was going on a trip around South Africa in his RV-7, I would have anticipated fantastic photographs. And that's what we got!

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your photos and descriptions with us.

Beautiful country, Beautiful scenery, Beautiful airplane...and might I add...Beautiful Wife! What more could you need in life, Rudi? :D
Best Regards,
Don Hull
Very Nice

Awesome trip write-up.
Thanks for taking the time to post it and add your route.

Looked like alot of fun and great adventure.

What were they doing with those boats with the rope looking loops around the boats?
You mentioned diamond mining. Were they dredging?

Anyway, great job and thanks for sharing.

Hi Guys, below is final day 4 photos and story,

Day 4:
Route Port Alfred all along the Wild Coast to Margate, then Inland back to Home Johanneburg Springs. The route is +/- 620 Miles and took us just less than 4 Hours.

Once again we left just after sunrise. The Weather Office said the weather would be good in the morning, but deteriorating in the afternoon and staying like that for 2 days. We wanted to fly all the way to the north coast, but predicted weather and not knowing 100% for sure if we will find accommodation further north, we decided to cut the trip a little short. I will always be able to fly the north coast on my Next big trip, cause it is relatively close to home.

We expected some thin broken cloud with 2,000 ft ceiling on the first part, clearing very shortly. I liked this hole in the sky with striped clouds above.

The are we will be flying is called the Wild Coast, due to it?s unspoiled pristine condition. There are very little settlements along this pretty coast line.




There are a couple of unique attractions along this coastline. The first is ?The hole in the wall? a rock formation just off the beach with a big hole where the sea crashes through.




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DAY 4 Continue...

The second is a runway that ends on a cliff into a narrow valley with a river running into the sea.



Also unique are 2 waterfalls directly into the sea, apparently there are only a few places in the world where a waterfall goes straight into the sea. Here we are lucky to have 2 of them in close proximity. The First one:


The Second one:


On the northern border of the wild coast is a popular tourist attraction, the Wild Coast Sun. From here on north you can start to see normal civilization again with tradition buildings and roads.

The arch bridge leading to the Wild Coast Sun. There are rumors of dare devil pilots flying underneath this bridge.

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Day 4 Continue...

At Margate we started routing back inland going home. Kwazulu Natal is lush green, and the rivers brown with all the rain washing down into the rivers.




The last picture of the day, me and my wife, just before our final landing home?Does it look like we enjoyed it???

The Best picture of day 4 must be ?The hole in the wall? larger for your convenience.

The End.
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Diamond Boats

What were they doing with those boats with the rope looking loops around the boats? You mentioned diamond mining. Were they dredging? <SNIP>

I am not an expert but I believe they send divers down, with big vacuum pipes, sucking in the sea bed sand, then filtering for the diamonds. Those divers work in bad conditions for hours at a time, talk about a bad job...everything for those little shiny stones.

Beautiful country and wonderful adventure! I enjoyed all these photos as I did on your previous videos.

Thank you for sharing with all of us!
Incredible adventure Rudi - thanks for sharing the entire trip!

Kinda makes all those years of building worthwhile, doesn't it?! ;)

Yes it is worth it

Hi Guys,

Thank you for your kind comments!
And Yes it makes all that time building really worthwile.
I hope this serve as inspiration to current builders, stick it out, you will have an awesome machine.
