
Well Known Member

This is just a short Collage of pictures of our air safari through South Africa.

During the March School holidays us family took our RV Zulu 10 on a 12 day air safari through RSA.

Plan was to fly from The Coves near Johannesburg and fly the Vaal river from Parys to Kimberley then the Orange river all the way to Augrabies Waterfalls.
This may sound strange to foreigners, to fly a river, but in a water scarce country to see this river cut through and give life to this arrid piece of our country is beautiful.
Then head south to the desolate Verneuk Pan, a salt pan, cut east to De Aar then fly the Vanderkloof Dam into Gariep Dam.
Then Cut to the coast and fly the wild coast, stay at Wavecrest. Onto Margate for a couple of days.
Then back home via the Majestic Drakensberg Mountains right next to the escarpment at Lesotho.

Man we have a beautiful country to is a collage of pictures!

You can view the detailed pictures here:

Here are my 3 best pictures of the trip:

Hole in the wall, the wild coast: Famous for this small island next to beach with a massive hole in the center

Landing at the desolate Verneuk Pan: Famous for a couple of land speed records

Sunrise take-off flight
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Rudi, Good to hear from you again! You and your family look well!

Your little girl isn't so little anymore! How they grow up, heh?

Do you still have the other flying machines as well as the 10?

Looks like you had a great trip! I still hope to make it down your way one day.

;) CJ
Amazing pictures Rudi, Being from the Netherlands I was surprised by the Verneuk pan, we have been traveling through SA many times but never heard of it. Sounds like it can screw you when you're not paying attention?
Baie Groette

Thanks for sharing.
We are going on one of those Self-Fly Safaris in S. Africa this July. Your photos prove it can be done. thanks
Best two years of my life were spent in Africa. It's an awesome continent with a lot of beautiful people, and fabulous wildlife. Thanks for the great pictures. John