OH Bob

I've been looking at various aircraft kits over the past year or so from:RANS, Zenith, Sonex, Sling 2 as well as Vans. I found attractive features in each of the fore mentioned kits, but always kept coming back to Vans. I knew from my limited previous building experience (RV-8 fuselage) that I wanted to build a metal aircraft with pull (rather than driven) rivets.

This January I finally committed to an RV-12iS, and am thoroughly enjoying the build process. Just finished the vertical stab and moving on to the rudder. This remarkable forum played no small part in my selection of a Vans kit, and I wish to extend my personal thanks to all who actively contribute!
Excellent choice...

I'm going to pull together a lot of 12 guys in Ohio and neighboring states this summer. We'll hold a spot open for you. In the meantime, hopefully you can grab an open seat and join us.
Excellent choice...

I'm going to pull together a lot of 12 guys in Ohio and neighboring states this summer. We'll hold a spot open for you. In the meantime, hopefully you can grab an open seat and join us.

Thanks for the invite, please keep me posted:)

It does my heart good to hear that you did a lot of research and ended up picking the RV12iS. It validates my own choice to build the RV12iS.
I hope to finish mine before next winter.
You won't regret it. In fact, as you progress, you'll become more convinced those others aren't even in the same class. And then you'll fly it...and realize it wasn't even a contest.