
Well Known Member
I've seen pictures of several completed panels with labels placed on the top of the throttle and mixture knobs 'pull rich' or such . . . they appear to fit nicely in the recess. I don't know if these are custom or if they are available somewhere . . . any input? Thanks!
Aircraft Engravers

Aircraft Engravers makes little inserts that fit in the engine control cables.

I needed to tell him the diameter and when I got them they fit perfectly. Wayne is great to work with and his products look great at a very reasonable cost. Off topic, but I replaced all my P-touch labels with engraved labels for about $75 and they look 1000% better then the P-touch.
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Brother PT-65

Okay, not fancy, but I use a Brother model PT-65 label maker fm Office Depot for misc airplane labels, household, etc. Different color (taoe) backgrounds avail, size and type of font, etc.. Will do in a pinch for legality sake, until you get something fancier, and if you must.
Do you have to label the throttle/prop/mixture? Especially if they are standard direction and proper knobs? My other controls are/will be labeled, such as "Pull Purge" for the injector and directional arrows for the elevator trim.

Hmmm, maybe I should label the sticks and pedals too. And put left/right labels on my shoes... ;)
Each DAR may be a little different, but I got dinged on not having my throttle, prop and mixture controls labeled. I used the standard push-pull type so I thought I was covered. Oh well, no biggie...I just whipped out my p-touch label maker on the spot and problem solved.
Got mine from Aircraft Engravers

Do you have to label the throttle/prop/mixture? Especially if they are standard direction and proper knobs? My other controls are/will be labeled, such as "Pull Purge" for the injector and directional arrows for the elevator trim.

Hmmm, maybe I should label the sticks and pedals too. And put left/right labels on my shoes... ;)
My DAR wanted all the engine controls and electrical switches labeled (I had Aircraft Engravers do all my lables - highly recommended). I hadn't yet put the stickers on my trim indicators, and he asked me to do that before first flight.
I didn't do the pedals or shoes - maybe he's slipping :rolleyes:
They are all different

My DAR did not care about having the throttle, prop and mixture labeled. He made the comment in jest, that if I needed those labeled I should pick up another hobby other than flying. I was ready with my label maker just in case.

Seriously, why do those need to be labeled? My VOR head, EFIS and radio stack aren't labeled.