
Well Known Member
Hi all,

I'm planning a G3X system for my plane, and started perusing the manual. I tried to locate a source for extra pins since I will probably definitely need to redo some of these things as I make cables. Anyone know of a good source for (Garmin) Contact, Pin, Military Crimp, Size 20, 22D
Contact, Socket, Military Crimp, Size 20
I only find these exact items included in the connector kits from the avionics retailers so far.

Any quick build tips for doing these cables?


You can get everything you need from Steinair at a reasonable price. The really good crimpers are expensive but you can often find them on ebay for around $100. Stein sells the adapters for different pin sizes (standard and high density). You may need both.
I bought all my wiring supplies from Steinair. He has the pins. find a good Daniels AFM-8 crimper and positioners on Ebay. cannot remember the numbers, but look on stein. He has new ones and tells what each one is for. You need three at most. K13-1, k40, k41.

BUY SEVERAL PIN EXTRACTORS FOR EACH SIZE (D-sub, and High density D-Sub). They are fragile, and cheap. Get two or three of each. You will be glad you did.
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Look carefully, Garmin uses both standard and high density pins. And some wires need pins, some sockets (female pins). They are all different. Stein sells them all.
Assuming you get the various installation kits for your Garmin components, the odds are high you will have more than enough pins, even if you need to re-do some.

The installation kits assume you are connecting every pin. Some you are not likely to use every single pin in every connector, you have "left overs".

Definitely buy both sizes of pin extractors. You can pay for nice ones but I'd suggest you buy the cheap ones and just get a spare of each size (regular pins vs high density pins)
Agree with Glen. You should have lots of extra pins that you don't use from the connector kits.

You only need the K13-1 (standard density male/female pins) and K42 (high density male pins) positioners if you decide to use the Daniels AFM-8 crimper.


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You will regret not going w Steinair. I have made mods to electrical but would only go with Steinair. I'm a former avionics tech and supervisor. Have fun with your install
Fun? It wasn't fun. I have all new respect for avionics install, and understand the high install costs. It's tedious, time consuming work.

Stein is the way to go, excellent support the entire way through the install process!

And yes there are tons of spare pins, tons.
Thanks for the tips!

I did find a DMC crimper on ebay - pretty happy with the condition of it so far.

I will check out Stein.