
Well Known Member
My umpteenth pair walked away, and web searches have not been successful this morning. Lots of alternatives but not the real McCoy — clip on, flip up Foggles.

Anybody got a source (not a place to look)?


flip-up foggles

ASA OVERCASTERS from ACS served me well. I didn't like the larger versions that fit over my glasses like gas-welding goggles and these were lightweight.
I have a very nice one which someone a while back made for me with prescription power in the lower part and frosted all around it. Works beautifully. I will check on the name when I go to my plane next. I still use it.
I also use and like the Overcasters from ACS. But note, they are optimized for left seat use (you can see further to the right than to the left. If you use them from the right seat it’s no big deal, but you do have to hold your head a bit more to the left than usual, plus it’s easier to cheat and glance out the right side window (but not so much as to make anything other than a psychological difference.)