Special Delivery

Well Known Member
For those that enjoy the occasional dog fight... seems that it would be pretty cool to have sound effects (the kill) connected to a switch on your stick. With all the new electronic gizmos out there today, anyone have an idea of how this might be easily accomplished? Not endorsing or encouraging dog fighting, just seems seems like a cool device that could be used for lots of fun things! Stand by, I just got a message... "Earth to Ernie... time to come back!"
Keychain sound FX

Probably the simplest, cheapest solution would be to purchase a sound effects keychain fob from a place like a dollar store or K-Mart. these usually have several sounds like machine gun, rocket, bomb, explosion, etc. You could dismantle it and wire the switch to one of your spare stick buttons.

Beyond that, it is now possible to get small recording/playback chips (like from greeting cards) and record sound files to them from the Internet. Best place to find info on this is from a sci-fi props enthusiast site, like this one:


You could also use one of those little voice recorders that are sold for recording ATC.