
Well Known Member
I’m probably being my typical blind, dumb self. Where is the down elevator stop? I’m fabbing the push/pull tube and trying to ensure I have adequate adjustability. The the bellcrank-bulkhead I/F a de facto one? Sorry if I’m missing something obvious. Not the first time. Thanks.
Drawing #30

Drawing 30 shows (but barely) the "location" of the elevator control stops.

Really only aluminum strips attached to bulkheads 411 & 412, that interfere with the movement of the elevator bell cranks to yield (net) the up/down limits as indicated elsewhere.

Tip - If your bell cranks are not in line with one another (mine weren't), there may be an "offset" in the stops to allow contact with both bell cranks at the up/down limits.

YMMV - And probably will.

Thanks and sorry for being blind (again). The "quickbuilder" installed the bellcrank at BH 8, 1/4" off (placed relative to the BH horizontal flange versus the vertical section). Also, the hole in the deck between 11 and 12 is too small so I can't get full range of motion until that's changed. Should be able to make it work without moving the bellcrank/autopilot servo brackets. The middle elevator bellcrank might be off by a couple of degrees after modifying the push tubes to fit. Force wise, nothing will be noticeable; no more than 3% change in forces required. Also trying to leave enough rod end adjustment if I wish to change the elevator control sensitivity. Guess we'll see.

The middle bellcrank/bulkhead "contact" point would actually seem to be a better place for the elevator down limit. The geometry doesn't provide the mechanical (dis)advantage that the elevator BC hitting against #11 would; also steel against aluminum there. That said, I'll probably stick to the plan.

Thanks again.