
fugio ergo sum
My best flights tend to be the most unplanned but today I had a little plan. The airport manager asked me where I was going as I took off. I scrambled around in my mind and told him I was headed up to upper Rocky Arroyo to take some photos. That is about the only thing I didn't do today, although I flew over the area.

First I flew over Roger's house to see how things are going. It looks like he is about to get things finished up on the construction.

The next thing to check on was the progress at the National Cave and Karst Research Institute.


The NCKRI building is the first building in the world to be built with an integrated bat house, which is above the little alcove at the closest part of the building, in the photo. Still no water in the "Cascades" canal, except puddles from the latest snowfall.

One of my latest entertainments has been to attend Carlsbad city council meetings, which are actually fairly good fun. One of the current issues is refurbishment of the sewage treatment facility, so I have to take a look at that installation.



My friend Larry H is interested in us flying up to look at Laguna del Perro which made me fly 15 miles SE to look at something kind of similar.

Boats Meeting – A power boat meeting another power boat head-on must pass port-to-port, that is, red light to red light to
avoid risk of collision, while maintaining direction and speed. If they are separated far enough, they may pass starboard to
starboard or green light to green light.

Do these same rules apply to semis? It seems so.


My buddy Tom does lots of rescue and cave and rappelling training and is currently scouting for suitable cliffs (steep and preferably some overhang and easy access to the top) so I have been keeping my eyes out for places.

A couple of days ago we drove an alternate route for when Rocky Arroyo is flooded and you need to get from the Guadalupes to Carlsbad. It took us about an hour. I traced the route today in 3 or 4 minutes.


When I got to the upper Rocky Arroyo area I noticed that the High Guads still had some snow so I decided I needed to fly the 30 miles up there to see what they look like today.


Well, since I was now so close to Salt Flat I flew down to the SW to check out the doings-on at the secret airport. It looks like they took the holiday off and there haven't been big recent changes.


I decided to head home next, which took me along the SW Guadalupe Mountain escarpment. Every time I fly the Guadalupes I see different things, and I have flown them a lot. Every different Sun angle and course shows different features. I continually wonder if people have really checked all those holes to see if they are huge caverns. It is hard to find out, because the federal agencies do not like to share the relevant information.

The cave above is in a spot I have flown over many tens or maybe hundreds of times. I have hiked below it many times also. Today is the first time I noticed this rather impressive cave entrance.

Logbook entry. CNM Lcl 1.5.

Man! Having an RV in a place such as this, is something I just don't deserve!
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Great pics, and it looks like a nice local tour larry...sorta like a ranch manager just out checking fences, huh?

I'm glad to see you got back to the Salt Flats project as well - it's open airspace, after all!

I'm glad to see you got back to the Salt Flats project as well - it's open airspace, after all!

Oh, nothing to it. I call flight service and get a complete briefing, then I log on to DUATS and do the same. To finish I use Weathermeister. On the way out I get flight following and scan the horizon for black helicopters. After all that it is kind of disappointing to find dust and a few trailer houses.
I'm homesick

Thanks for the great post, Larry. What great flying country! I'm anxious to get back out West.
Can't Wait

This is one of the things i want to do when my plane is finished. Just go out and fly, where ??? haw long??? just go. Kinda like i do with my motorcycle now just go ride.

Thanks Larry for the pictures and story.