Don Jones

Well Known Member
So, I took my first RV ride in 2003 flying the Vans -9A demonstrator and fell in love with it. Unless someone convinces me otherwise and talks me out of it I am ordering the tail kit tomorrow. The planets have finally aligned and I can make it happen. Anyone wanna buy a good Piper? Well when I finish the 9 anyway, gotta have something to fly. (besides flying with students in a 172)
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Other than proposing to your wife....

this may be among the best decisions you will ever make.
That's what you call talking me out of it;)
I would have probably been ok for another year or so, but no, I had to go to Sun & Fun.

If you enjoy the process of making something happen with your own two hands and you have the determination to stick with it, you'll never look back!

To me it was a completely rewarding process and the thrill of the first flight is somthing you'll remember forever.

Congratulations and best wishes. Skill doesn't build an airplane, determination does. Just remember one thing------do something toward finishing the plane EVERY day. It's a lot like jogging, skip one day and the next day is easier to skip. Stay with it.
So, I took my first RV ride in 2003 flying the Vans -9A demonstrator and fell in love with it. Unless someone convinces me otherwise and talks me out of it I am ordering the tail kit tomorrow. The planets have finally aligned and I can make it happen. Anyone wanna buy a good Piper? Well when I finish the 9 anyway, gotta have something to fly. (besides flying with students in a 172)

What you need to do is sell the Piper Now. Having an airplane to fly will severely impact the motivation factor, and will eat into your productive building time;)
Keep the Piper until you're ready to buy the engine for the RV then sell it to buy your RV's powerplant. That's what I plan on doing.... to build my -7 piecemeal as I can afford it, and keep my Piper to fly because I don't really want to be without a plane in the meanwhile. Besides, the market for used factory planes is down the toilet right now, and it's gotta get better again someday later on.

Stick a fork in it buddy...Your done for!

Accept your fate of building an RV and welcome to the club of being "Airplane poor"..:)

Scott McDaniels' advice is right! You will spend time flying and maintaining the Piper when you should be building.

I still have my Interstate. Lost a lot of build time this winter replacing a cylinder on the Interstate and doing all the peripheral stuff I wanted to get to while I had things apart.

Why do I still have the Interstate? My wonderful wife doesn't want me to sell it--It's my first plane, an award winner for the restoration that was done (not by me). If it weren't crazy to own 2 planes, she would support me keeping it when the RV is done.
Why do I still have the Interstate? My wonderful wife doesn't want me to sell it--It's my first plane, an award winner for the restoration that was done (not by me). If it weren't crazy to own 2 planes, she would support me keeping it when the RV is done.

I got my TD endorsement in an "41" Interstate Cadet. Sweet plane to fly. You'll want to keep the Cadet. Low & slow is a good way to go. RV's are too fast for L&S, plus they are low wing. Trust me, keep the Cadet, RV, & wife you'll be glad you did.

Does she have a sister?
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Too Late!!

Too late, the deed is done, tail kit ordered, tools ordered. Now to finish up a few honey-do's, get the workshop ready, and get down to it.

My wife has also been pushing me to do it. You see, she also flew the Vans demonstrator and has been lusting after one as much as I have. Only problem is I will probably rarely get left seat. Oh well, the life of a CFI with a pilot wife. Actually, I consider myself extremely lucky in that regard.

Oh and by the way, as punishment to the friend that got me interested in building again, I think he is also hooked and will be ordering his soon as well. If I could get him a ride in one that would seal the deal. Anyone have a 9A they want to do a little demo ride in?
Pay Back!!:p
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Met a lady at Independance yesterday

Who has a Grumman thingy...She wasn't convinced she needed an RV so I let her take off and establish VY...Then I dropped the hammer and passed her like she was standing still.

I think she gets it now...:)
Frank, funny you mentioned a Grumman and Vy

Who has a Grumman thingy...She wasn't convinced she needed an RV so I let her take off and establish VY...Then I dropped the hammer and passed her like she was standing still.

I think she gets it now...:)

Frank, had a very similar experience the other day. Flew wing on a buddy in a TR-2 tailwheel conversion that he is working to get re-certified. After lunch in Auburn, he had to do a climb check to 10K at Vy to check temps in climb. As he climbed, I passed him and then circled him and did runs on him. After one pass (with the obligatory victory roll!) he keyed the mic and said, "I don't think you're allowed to have that much fun!" He gets it too! :D

Don, good on ya! This is the fun you're headed for (as you know from your ride!) Best of luck!

"Rocket" RV-6
Welcome Don, you're going to have fun. there is only one thing better than building and flying an RV. I can't mention it here on the family channel.
With a thread like this, you're really asking to be talked into. Not out of it!

I say keep the Piper and enjoy your life as a pilot. Having something to fly takes a whole lot of pressure off of the project!! Your house will be happier, your project will be more enjoyable, and you'll probably end up with a little better product because you weren't pressuring yourself to get to the end.

Make the project something you do when you have time and money available.

You're a pilot, so go flying!

Have fun,
Dump the Piper, eventually

I had a similar situation. I started building my 9A and after a couple of years of building, I finally sold my 1951 Aeronca Sedan. It will be 2 years in June and I don't regret it. Just after I sold it I used some of the proceeds for my used O-320.

By not having the Aeronca, I pocket about $550 a month that I was spending on the hangar and insurance and I don't have to worry about any maintenance issues that will take money away from my RV project.

I have a friend who elected to start an RV-7 project after I started my RV-9A AND keep his bi-plane. Well, he crashed the bi-plane a year ago (he walked away) and he's still fixing the damage while his project just sits.

As far as keeping current, I rent a friend's Cherokee every now and then. I have no maintenance worries and no monthly expenses.

I always said that I was a pilot and didn't want to build. I have to say that building has turned out to be a great joy (most of the time) and I don't regret it at all. Yea, it took me some time to get past the "what the heck do you think you're doing?" and "are you nuts?" stage but there came a point when I finally took ownership of the project and actually believed that I would actually finish it. It's become a matter of when I will finish, not if.

I've managed to integrate my project into my life and so far the wife and kids haven't walked out on me! I'm looking at a completion date sometime at the end of this year or early next year.

You made the right choice. Have fun building. The time is going to go by anyway. You might as well get a very cool airplane out of it!!

Kelly Johnson
RV-9A Finishing
Tail complete, wings complete, fuselage on wheels
San Jose, CA
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The Cherokee might go.....

......after my wife finishes her IR. After the market gets a little better. That is her airplane, she just lets me fly it sometimes:D I have been looking at the engine in it with the evil eye. It's only got about 200 hours on it with new Titans, new cam, 160 horse, etc. I always have free access to the 172 when I want it, just hate flying the doggy thing. My Warrior is almost 20 kts faster.
Wife a CFII

I relate. I got my wife into flying, and she zoomed right past me in the ratings, now she's a CFII. "Her" Cessna 172 is not going away while I build my RV-8. It's not even worth talking about. You know what they say..."If Momma ain't happy..."
I love these stories

Frank, had a very similar experience the other day. Flew wing on a buddy in a TR-2 tailwheel conversion that he is working to get re-certified. After lunch in Auburn, he had to do a climb check to 10K at Vy to check temps in climb. As he climbed, I passed him and then circled him and did runs on him. After one pass (with the obligatory victory roll!) he keyed the mic and said, "I don't think you're allowed to have that much fun!" He gets it too! :D

"Rocket" RV-6

So my buddy in a rented skydog calls me up as I'm out flying some acro..."Hey Frank I got a PX with a video camera on board"...Is there any more tempation than this?...So I found him, told to fly straight and level while I closed on him at almost VNE from above and behind...Apparently the lady videographer asked my friend where I would be?...He said "in the back window...But he won't be there for long!"

Apparently she's still going on about it to this day..but never did get the camera actually pointing at the fast closing RV.

Frank..I NEED an IO540!
I relate. I got my wife into flying, and she zoomed right past me in the ratings, now she's a CFII. "Her" Cessna 172 is not going away while I build my RV-8. It's not even worth talking about. You know what they say..."If Momma ain't happy..."

That's cool, definately know about the momma ain't happy stuff. She will probably claim possession of the 9 when it's done. Ok by me. I have been trying to get the wife to do her IR for some time now. She refused to fly with another instructor besides me, now that I have the II she does not have an excuse.;)