
Enjoyed your pictures! I have never been to OSH, but after seeing all the pix from you and others I have made up my mind to attend next year. All I have to do is come up with a good excuse to take the time off work. Shouldn't be a problem since I have a year to think of one. :)

You have to go!

I was one of two RV-9's at OSH, we need a few more next year.
I'll be there next year. :D

Commitments and responsibilities be damned!
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OSH again in 2009?

I must admit, the day job and lack of funds have kept me away from Oshkosh for two years. I flew solo with my new RV-9A to OSH 2005 and camped out in home-built camping (HBC). I went again in 2006 with my hangar mate and RV-8 builder, Wendell Folks. His RV-8 was still under construction in 2006. We took two sets of camping gear and flew my RV-9A at max gross weight. It was packed full. I even made some real-time videos with sound of the intercom and radio communications during the Ripon VFR arrival and landing at OSH. I also made some departure and enroute videos to Missouri. Marshall's RV-8 is seen in that enroute video as he pulled up close to my RV-9A.

I first met Marshall and his unpainted RV-8 as we started the trip home from the 2006 OSH trip. Marshall was off my left wing as part of a flight of four RV's from OSH to Brookfield, Missouri. We were all flying parallel to a weather front full of SIGMETs. I had Wendell's Garmin GPS 396 with weather in my airplane for the trip that year. Once we were past the weather and the economical fuel stop in north central Missouri, we all continued at our own pace passing west of the Saint Louis area class B airspace, heading for Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia. I was the slowest at 160 MPH and up HIGH, but could talk with the others as needed for weather guidance as we got to Tennessee and another line of thunderstorms near the Alabama border. Marshall made a precautionary landing in SE Missouri due to a leaking prop hub, but still made it home to Athens that evening.

I hope to bring my oldest son on the next OSH trip. He is also a pilot and would enjoy his first trip to OSH with the "old man" there to show him around.