
Well Known Member
Here are a few free iphone apps that I have found very helpful for flying and flight planning:

AirportMap by Air Dave: put in a town, and it shows you the closest airports. It has filters for private, glider,heliport, seaplane, ect. - Before this app I always had to know the town of the closest airport or search goggle maps looking for one. Now I put in the town where I am going, and wala. It also has a hybrid map to show you everythng you need to know, and links to the airport data on AirNav.

AvGasNow by Apps In Stereo: searches for lowest AvGas prices by price, or distance. You can update the price if it changes and leave comments. Sometimes flying an extra 2 miles will save you $0.60/gallon, but the low guy this week may not be the same next week. Some of the prices are old, so I am holping a lot more people start using this one and keeping it updated.

AirNav FBO: Has a fule price finder like AveGasNow. This app lets you enter a flight plan and then finds the cheapest fuel along your route.

PowerWheel by Far West Aviation: You enter you engine compresion ratio when you set it up (in the iphone setting app, not in this app). Then you enter RPM, MP, ALT, OAT to get your %HP and recomended ROP leaning temperature. If operating LOP it tells you your HP based on fuel flow. The App was $5, but to me well worth it. I compaired the data to Kevin Horton's excel file and it is within 1%. This is much better than trying to extrapolate the lycoming charts, and gives you info that they don't.

Pilot Plan by Jonathan Cobb: This is a cool app that has a range ring feature. You enter your fuel reserve, speed, and winds. It then plots your range as an oblong circle on the map (because of the wind).

Social Flight: helps you find local aviation events so you can plan your weekend. There is not much going on in my area this time of year, but over the summer I found 2 close fly-in's that I otherwize would not have known about. It lists everything from EAA meetings to airshows and fly-in's to safety seminars.

My Flight Book: I just got this one, so have not played with it much. It logs your flights automaticaly. It uses the GPS in your phone to sence a take-off or landing, the applies the closest airport to log the flight time and data.

Clock: the clock app that comes with your iphone can add multiple locations. I added "UTC" so I can always know zulu time without having to wonder what time zone I am in or is it daylight savings or not.

Of course there is ForeFlight. It is expensive (I think $60/year) but you can try it for free for 1 month. I'm prety sure you will buy it if you try it. I'm not sure how I use to get from point A to B without it.

If you know of other, or better apps, please let me know !
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AOPA has an app or two that is on my wife's phone.

I carry a dumb phone, so dont use this stuff.

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I sent in an update to avgasnow 40 days ago. Just checked, still not updated?

I switched to AirNav FBO. It's very accurate on prices and some have a Guaranteed price. Has an option for prices along your route of flight. Plug in departure, destination and even your route and it'll show prices along that route.

I'm obsessed with finding less expensive fuel while flying. My airport is $7.30 and there are several airports within 35 miles less then $5.00
A small correction...

...Aitport Map by Air Dave...

Just one small correction, "Aitport Map" by Air Dave, should be "AirportMap" by Air Dave.

It's much easier to find by changing the "t" to an "r" and by deleting the space.

Thanks for sharing this info. AirportMap and AvGasNow are new ones to me, and I've downloaded them and will put them to use.
I sent in an update to avgasnow 40 days ago. Just checked, still not updated?

I tried to update a price and it ould not take even though it said that the price had been updated. I was not entering my e-mail address. Once I entered that it did update right away...

Thanks for the AirNav recomendation. I just downloaded it and am playing with it now. It seems pretty good, but the prices do not apear to be any more up to date than AvGasNow. We are all going to have to help keep these updated if they are going to be of any real help.
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For building the tiltmeter app will give readings in degrees, 10th of a degree, minutes/seconds, radians and two perpendicular planes of reference at once. It has you calibrate it at the start and I've checked it with my level and its right on.
Vans Mobile App

This IPhone App lets you take take and share RV pictures (mostly planes but not all RV's) while on the road or should I say fly! It's free and is growing pretty fast.

I had the Vans app, but did not get much out of it. I would live to see a VansAirforce app that would send me the posts. My current daily routeen is to log on several times a day to check "Today's Posts". It would be great to just get them via an app so I'm not tied to my computer. - going to the web site through a phone is not user friendly.

Tried the Powerwheel app today and couldn't get to the settings page. Incomplete download or what??
I had the same problem so I emailed them. The settings they refer to are found in the ipad native app called settings; the gear looking icon. Then find powerwheel in the apps section in that program and adjust from there.
Tried the Powerwheel app today and couldn't get to the settings page. Incomplete download or what??

Just downloaded and had no troubles to both iPhone and iPad. Very easy to adjust settings. Works great and looking forward to seeing how it compares to my flight computer.
flip phone and foreflight

What really made me respond to this post was seeing the Mike S flip phone photo! It reminded me of me!

I'm 58 and my adult daughters were happy to ridicule my flip phone any chance they had. But my inner curmudgeon remained unbending! Well, I lost it last summer, got an iphone and would never go back (even though I admit I have to use 3.00+ reading glasses to see the screen:( ).

I have had Foreflight for a year and a half and for me the combination of the program with the iPad is the most amazing advancement in aviation I can think of. Every aspect of planning and flying IFR and VFR is streamlined and simplified. There fear of busting airspace or screwing up the approach is practically eliminated. What used to take 30-45 minutes I can do in 5 minutes. I have the upgraded version that shows your airplane on the approach plates and it lowers my stress level a ton especially in unfamiliar situations. I would not want to fly without it ever again.

The best bonus in getting the iphone for aviation is that you get Foreflight on the iphone as a backup to your ipad with your subscription! I didn't even know this when I got the phone.

Also, considering not having buy paper charts and plates, I think Foreflight is a bargain.

Who's collecting and selling your data...

Things like "My Flight Book" sounds cool, but do you ever wonder who is collecting/using/selling the info collected each time you use the App. Lets face it, these developers don't make these free for magnanimous reasons. Like the Flight Book App.... they will know when you're not home....... and that can have serious home security consequences. Just makes ya wonder......
RVs should follow Nokia's designs & materials

AOPA has an app or two that is on my wife's phone.

I carry a dumb phone, so dont use this stuff.


When flying, this is, by far, the toughest part in the whole airplane.. :D
I carry a dumb phone, so dont use this stuff.

Mike, that phone isnt that dumb. It has built in altitude verification and emergency landing spot location.

For altitude measurement, toss the phone overboard and time the decent until it hits the ground.

For emergency landing identification, start with the altitude measurement procedure. You are guaranteed to be able to glide to any location within close proximity to the phone.
For our Australian VAF'ers
  • OzRunways (every chart, ERSA entry, DAP & the AIP)
  • NAIPS for Notams and the like
  • OzRadar HD is useful, it shows the BoM Weather radars nationwide and,
  • Dial-a-Wis has got most (all) of the AWIS telephone numbers in it and for iPhone, can initiate a call to them.
Social Flight +1

I downloaded SocialFlight App and it is really nice. I get E-mails when event are going to happen in my area. I just got one today for a flyin breakfast that is not 15 minutes flight time and I didn't even know about it.
Very cool!
Wondering if there are any truly *free* apps for the ipad that contain airport diagrams? The old AOPA airport diagrams app appears to no longer be available. I would like to have a set of diagrams on the ipad.

Not quite free, but Skycharts Pro includes airport diagrams. One time charge of $25 if I remember correctly, and no charge for the regular updates. For completely free, I think you can just download the FAA file as a PDF into your iBooks library.
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Interesting. I see that the website does indeed indicate a renewal fee, but I've been using it for around 3 years, occasionally updating to get the latest charts,with no renewal fee required.

Im guessing that i am not special and that no one has actually had to pay for an update to Skycharts. Not that I'm complaining. Anyone know otherwise?

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Interesting. I see that the website does indeed indicate a renewal fee, but I've been using it for around 3 years, occasionally updating to get the latest charts,with no renewal fee required.

Im guessing that i am not special and that no one has actually had to pay for an update to Skycharts. Not that I'm complaining. Anyone know otherwise?


I emailed Skycharts about the renewal when my subscription was almost 1-year old. Was told that they have not programmed in a renewal and that I was welcome to continue to use SkyCharts Pro till they modified the software to request a renewal fee. That was almost two years ago.
Does anyone have more recent suggestions for Iphone or Android GPS apps?

While my Dynon/Lowrance combo works great and drives my autopilot, I'd like a backup GPS app for my Iphone. My needs are simple. I'd like an APP that allows me to put in a destination and the APP points the way, just like the Lowrance. I don't need weather, fuel, nor airport info.

Last, my Iphone contract is about to expire so if anyone has GPS ideas for an Android, please comment & include the Android device u r using.

Phablets welcome.


I sent in an update to avgasnow 40 days ago. Just checked, still not updated?
I'm obsessed with finding less expensive fuel while flying. My airport is $7.30 and there are several airports within 35 miles less then $5.00

With gas coming down to the $2 range 92 mogas should be around $3??? You might have to use cans but what the heck? I used to buy plenty of it at S30.

My needs are simple. I'd like an APP that allows me to put in a destination and the APP points the way, just like the Lowrance. I don't need weather, fuel, nor airport info.

Last, my Iphone contract is about to expire so if anyone has GPS ideas for an Android, please comment & include the Android device u r using.

I bought a Nexus 7 (Second generation 2013 7" tablet) on Craigslist for $125 which seems to be a fair price for a used one in good condition.

I used FltPlan Go (free) on a recent 1500 mile trip and really liked it. I would like it better if flight planning was as easy as it is on Skyvector (easily "rubber band" routes). I downloaded all the databases near the route of my trip so even had things like FBO phone numbers and fuel prices.

My Nexus 7 doesn't have a cellular data connection, but I was able to use my phone as a hotspot and check weather, get NOTAMs, etc. on the ground.
Hi Bobby,
The app requires registration. How long are you using it? Where it gets the info on events?

Not Bobby,

But I have been using this app for over 2 years. It has gotten a lot better (faster) lately. Easier to use, plus you can make "virtual hangars" with your fiends in the app.

As far as the info, anyone can enter events. Other than that I do not know how else they get the info for events.
Yea, what James said

Ditto, same here. Been using it a couple years and it sends you a email to remind you about things coming up the next weekend.