
Well Known Member
Well, I finally tackled laying up canopy fiberglass. So far, so good. I have peeled the peel ply off and freed the lay-up from the fuse (canopy tilts up) question to best trim/remove plastic tape defining sharp edge from plexiglass?...without damaging plexi.....
I followed the plans and CAREFULLY sanded/feathered the overlying epoxy down to the base layer of plastic tape. Then you can easily peel off the base layer of plastic tape leaving a nice clean line. Worked fine for me.

Also, watch Van's Aircraft's video on their website regarding the installation of the RV-14 canopy.
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Randy, going to your site freaks out my virus scanning program. I'm not sure why, but I can't get to it.
At some point in the past, my home site was hacked and a virus posted. I've since cleaned all that up but some virus checkers still have it listed as an infected site.
Thanks for the info......another one of thoughts "RTP" moments!!!! (Read the plans)...naught😎
A piece of shiny black (or other color) 1/8 inch wide auto pinstriping tape on that fiber-glass to plexi edge can really dress it up.
Just finished trimming the fiberglass and have to say it was one of the most satisfying parts of the build. I was anxious, watched the videos twice and had the encouragement of a gal that works at the airport who was building kits and felt this part was the most fun. It came out awesome. On to the cowl.