
Well Known Member
...Started this thread to avoid corrupting the other "ballast" thread...

Yes, this has been beat to death, but the answers I have found so far are not what I'm looking for.

Therefore, with the generally accepted fact that "all" RV-8's are nose heavy when solo and fly "better" with the C/G moved aft, what is the point where it flies "good"? Before someone talks about battery location, angle valve, prop type, etc, understand that the only bit of info required is the actual C/G (or %MAC) that results in "good" flying for the RV-8 airframe. In other words, there is a point with some combination of ballast, baggage, fuel, ect that "feels" good... This same point also has an instantaneous (loaded) C/G of some value, and (for like aircraft, in this case the -8) this value is independent of total weight, where the battery is, prop type, or what color the airplane is painted.

So the question is: What is the best "loaded" solo C/G value?
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What is the best "loaded" solo C/G value?
IMHO there is no "best" for all. Personally, I enjoy flying ;) so the CG should be on the aft limit for what you want to do i.e. aerobatics on the Aft Aeros limit are "most fun" etc.

Being practical, we were advised to have the CG at/aft of 80" to make it flyable / landable, and I would now suggest that is a good figure..

IMHO there is no "best" for all...

Yes, I agree that this varies according to personal taste... I like to fly near the aft limit as well. However, the "universal" fix for the -8 seems to be 20 pounds in the aft baggage area, and even among the various aircraft, this must result in some form of "standard" C/G range among the membership.

So we consider 80 to be the minimum for "good" solo flight?
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Sounds about right

Yes, I agree that this varies according to personal taste... I like to fly near the aft limit as well. However, the "universal" fix for the -8 seems to be 20 pounds in the aft baggage area, and even among the various aircraft, this must result in some form of "standard" C/G range among the membership.

So we consider 80 to be the minimum for "good" solo flight?

Michael - 80 sounds about right to me.