
Active Member
Is there anyone out there that has built an RV without any help??? I've built an 8 and now i find myself without a "Bucking Buddy"..(my dad helped with my 8).
I would just like to here from someone...anyone that's done a solo build that can tell me how hard they found the build.
Thanks, Joel McMillian S/N 83585
Is there anyone out there that has built an RV without any help??? I've built an 8 and now i find myself without a "Bucking Buddy"..(my dad helped with my 8).
I would just like to here from someone...anyone that's done a solo build that can tell me how hard they found the build.
Thanks, Joel McMillian S/N 83585

On my slow built rv7, I would estimate I bucked 98% of rivets by myself. I wouldn't say any of it was "hard", just time consuming. When you do need a second person I'm sure it won't be an issue to find some help. I'm not sure it could be done 100% solo unless you start replacing some wing skin solid rivets with pull rivets.

I aligned, drilled, and final installed the wings solo.
Is there anyone out there that has built an RV without any help??? I've built an 8 and now i find myself without a "Bucking Buddy"..(my dad helped with my 8).
I would just like to here from someone...anyone that's done a solo build that can tell me how hard they found the build.
Thanks, Joel McMillian S/N 83585


I built mine at least 95%+ by myself. And it took me over 7 years of actual building to finish (17 if you include 10 years of no progress at all). Some things are impossible without help. What I discovered is that having a "building buddy", someone who's also building one, was invaluable to maintain motivation for both of us, not to mention that you help one another with bucking, ideas, etc.

Since you've built an -8, I assume you're looking at another project? I'm sure there are builders in the Birmingham area that would be glad to assist when you need the help. What are you planning to build?
I only needed riveting help with the wing skins (top) and leading edge ribs, some of the center-most rivets on the fuselage, and few other places on the fuselage (forward top skin). I would say 99% can be done solo. Maybe 95% if your arms are short. :D
Not an RV-8 but I built my RV-4 solo and the only rivets I had help bucking were on the top skin of the tailcone.

Long arms help...
Ditto on my -4

Built my -4 solo as did Richard..only a couple in the upper tail cone. My then 8 year son old bucked them. Biggest challenge was probably the Wing L/E skins reaching up through the spar and rib lightening holes. In my case, I built the majority of my plane late at night when help wasn't around.
Good luck

Not easy. Expect more smilies in hard to reach areas. Have a good stock of correct CherryMax blind rivets. There will be a dozen or two solid rivets you absolutely need a shooter. Catch anybody fit on the street and train. :D
I'm building solo and long ago decided not to be hesitant about getting help. Fortunately there are plenty of good people in my area who are glad to lend a qualified hand. I try to show a photo of them at least once and mention their names in my VAF build blog.

I agree with Vlad. Most of my rivet smilies or dings are there because I was reaching, trying to buck and shoot at the same time. Yes, I do have some smilies and dings. :(
I agree with the earlier posters that 98% can be done solo. When needed, I've enlisted the help of interested friends (and kids) to shoot the impossible-to-do-alone rivets. I'll train them on some test pieces/scrap so they get the feel (maybe 50 rivets total) and then go at it. Stressing and practicing communication is KEY. How to be sure they're on the same rivet as you, when to shoot, and when not to.

The engine even goes on easily solo with some planning and patience.

... but I sure wish the neighborhood kids took a stronger interest; it would be heaven to have an eager-beaver always wanting to help. (My kids, unfortunately, no joy)
Hey Mark,
I've already got another 8 Emp and started a few parts about a year ago...I have another wild paint scheme for this one but it needs to be a FastBack 8 to look correct!! Almost all of my friends that helped on the last one have passed away. Three of them were A&P's and one had his IA..Very good helpers!! I'm sure they are all sitting up there taking bets on whether or not I'll go it alone and laughing their collective butts off at me!! My 8 took me 12yrs to build and I'm trying to decide if I've got enough stamina to make it through another!