
Well Known Member
Ok, this is just plain cool. With Van's recent release of the 3D models for the fwd fuselage area I decided to start playing with a panel design for the RV-10 I am building. I downloaded the RV-10 3D model, the Garmin avionics 3D models and started plugging things together. I'm nowhere near done but even with this simple picture you can see the potential for this. The images on the avionics are just screen shots I took and placed on the screens for a coolness factor.

broke the code

Here is a link for the 3D drawings from Vans at the bottom are the links for Garmin, Doyon, etc.:

Best regards,
Mike Bauer

Thanks Mike,

I had the file "G3XStepFiles.zip" that Van's links to... what I didn't realize is that it contains more than G3X step files, for instance the GTN6xx I was looking for.

As of 1 August, 2022 “G3XStepFiles.zip" is at https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?partNumber=010-01765-00&tab=manuals
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RV-14 Panel Part Solidworks Import Error

I tried to import the IGES files into Solidworks 2016 and got a build error on one of the parts. It still imports it, but I'd like to resolve the error.

Has anyone else run into this issue?

On a related note, is there any reason that Van's doesn't make the native Solidworks files available? It would be easier to import them on our side assuming you have Solidworks.
Build Error

I tried to import the IGES files into Solidworks 2016 and got a build error on one of the parts. It still imports it, but I'd like to resolve the error.

Has anyone else run into this issue?

I get one or another error often with IGES and STEP and maybe other files. I ignore them with no issues.
I tried to import the IGES files into Solidworks 2016 and got a build error on one of the parts. It still imports it, but I'd like to resolve the error.
This is common. I frequently get errors from IGES or STEP files downloaded from McMaster. Sometimes you can resolve the errors with the import diagnostics wizard, but it's usually not worth the effort. Accept the errors, and they'll stop warning you.

On a related note, is there any reason that Van's doesn't make the native Solidworks files available? It would be easier to import them on our side assuming you have Solidworks.
A few reasons come to mind... One, a complete solidworks model for an RV would be prohibitively complex for most casual users. Two, an enterprising person could take the file set and make their own RV without paying Van's for their design. Three, and probably most importantly, they would have to decide what version of Solidworks to make files available in... Older versions won't open files saved from newer versions, and there's no way to save as an older version. Solidworks is very good at forcing users to update on a regular schedule in order to maintain compatibility... We call it the Forced Update, or the F-U...
Really fun to build and see the panel in solidworks for my 14.

Where can switches and the G5 components be found?

You might try GrabCAD. There are a bunch of toggle switches available there. No G5, but someone did a GTN750.
filename confusion

Where can the G5 be found?

Non-intuitively, the file "G3XStepFiles.zip" contains the G5, GMA245, GTN6xx, GTN7xx and more. It might be hard to find this zip file so I put it at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12XmHTDCHLZ5UNV6KaEjnQYgOk1P1Gusw?usp=sharing This is rev 3 of May 2020 and was the version on the Garmin website last I checked in March of 2024.

I found this .zip file at garmin.com by going to Aviation... Markets… Experimental... G3X Manuals... G3X 3D Models
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The latest version of the file is Revision 3, May 2020, G3X-3D-STEP. This is missing some things like the GAD 27 and the GTN 750Xi and the GMA 245R.

Would be nice if Garmin refreshed it.