
Well Known Member
Does anybody know who sells an electric solid state backup gyro that fits into the standard round hole?
RV9-A. Installing Instruments
I was going to say the same

An autopilot is a highly desirable feature on a VFR Xcountry bird and almost essential for IFR, plus the nav head gives you ittitude infor as well.

Of course the first question is..why do you need a backup..IFR..sure combine it with the autopilot, makes sense.

For VFR the best gyro you got is your eyeballs.

I think

Thats a mechanical gyro..not a good idea for aerobatics, although I know of folks who do..

it was RC Allen

RC Allen had one at OSH - looked like a standard ADI but it was really an LCD screen. They were handing out sheets about it - I think it was $895 (no TSO) and they were planning on going for a TSO "soon" - the primary market is to replace mechanical gyros in certified A/C.

I can't even find their website...

BTW - they had a battery backup option.

I don't have the sheet in front of me, but I'm 90% sure it was discussed here after OSH.