Re: RV-14A kit sale

Empennage: Vertical Stabilizer is complete and Rudder skins are complete awaiting closure. Remaining kit is untouched and received prior to LCP dates.

QB Fuse: Untouched and received during LCP dates - Ordered "recommended replacement parts" - 30 parts
QB Wings: Untouched and received during LCP dates - Ordered "recommended replacements parts" - 22 parts

Tools: complete RV-14 tool kit from "Plane tools" including Pneumatic squeezer, Cleveland Main Squeeze, DRD2.

I'm looking to sell the lot as a package deal. My son never got into the build, his sports and activities are killing any build time. Dad time is more important to me presently.

Looking for an all or nothing sale. For LCP clarity- I cut and pasted vans email, about shipping dates for the QB parts to the assembly facility in Brazil.

Email date May 12, 2022:

The status of your Quick Build kit has changed to "Parts in transit to assembly facility." This means our factory has finished manufacturing the parts needed to assemble the Quick Build portion of your kit, and we have loaded the parts into a container for overseas shipping.
A little Quick Build trivia: We can load parts to create about 100-110 QB kits into a single shipping container. After they have been assembled, it takes about 10 of the same-sized containers to ship them back to our factory in Oregon.

View Orders for Serial Number XXXXXXX

Order #XXXXXX​

Status:Parts in transit to assembly facility
Crating:Sep 28 2022 - Jan 10 2023 (estimated)

Order #XXXXXX​

Item:RV-14/14AQ WING KIT
Status:Parts in transit to assembly facility
Crating:Sep 28 2022 - Jan 10 2023 (estimated)

I'm still debating pricing. Presently, I am entertaining offers. All the arm chair quarter backs are welcome to chime in with pricing and thoughts. I'll get some Pictures up here in the next week. I live in Minneapolis kit is in heated garage with no cars (no salt) - for those interested you can inspect here or I could even Facetime.
