All takeoffs are soft field technique:
Flaps 10 (or even with full aileron down deflection)
Feed in power while holding the stick back
Raise the nose off and hold that attitude until it flies off.
Raise the nose only enough to block the horizon
Raise flaps before accelerating through 90 knots

No CFI here just how I was taught and it works great for me.

What is your technique?

I recall asking the same question in my ab initio flight training. The instructor said if you try both at the same time, that's called a crash!


Soft field: nose high, partial or full flaps, touch down carrying a bit of power, add power as required to keep the aircraft rolling and nose wheel from touching down until ready to stop.

Short field, approach with full flaps and nose high. Use throttle to adjust glideslope. When clear of obstacles, reduce the throttle, but do not 'chop' (to prevent stalling). Touch down, maximum braking and retract flaps. Keep nosewheel up until braking complete (in an RV).

Short and soft... prepare to dig the nose wheel in and pitch-pole.

Take-off, see other postings above
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