Well Known Member
I have been to OSH from SoCal with a southerly route a few times through SJN, went a north route once through DLN. I am still trying to figure out how DLN is on the way but Tami said it was so I suppose if I wanted her to go (I did) it was. This year I was thinking more or less direct. Over the Rockies. Ya know add another state to my list of states we have landed in, Colorado.

So does any one have some routs they like from SoCal (CCB is departure) direct OSH. You know preferred routs through the mountains, favorite refueling stops and places to RON. Although this year I understand EAU is "on the way" but at least it is within RV spitting distance of OSH.

CCB - DRO - BBW - OSH need O2

I once flew KCCB to KDRO for fuel. Then departed direct (or almost direct) KBBW. Was able to get an airport car at BBW but no hotel near by. Maybe I should say all the local hotels were full. Ended up staying at a place I would call a DIVE. DRO to BBW was flown at I think 13,500 and I had flight following. They kept asking me if I could see the mountain peaks. The peaks were above my flight path. I did stop for fuel just short of OSH so as to have near full fuel on my arrival at OSH.

Oxygen is require to fly this route. There are not many airports flying over the rocks and even less places to land off airport if you take this route.