
Well Known Member
I never thought to ask but where was the yellow plane at Oshkosh. They took it to SF and even gave rides in it. Is there a chance they are hanging the new IO-233 on it?

Waitin on the Fuse
i would think an IO-233 is unlikely since it weighs about 80# more than the 912S. That's a lot on an airplane as light as the -12.
i would think an IO-233 is unlikely since it weighs about 80# more than the 912S. That's a lot on an airplane as light as the -12.

I think Vans was pretty impressed with the Rotax 912 series. It's a good, reliable aircraft engine. Unfortunately, the USD is falling causing the price to go up.
Just one

They had the yellow one at Arlington, but no red one. They had the red one at Oshkosh, but no yellow one. My guess: they only take one of each model to a show?