Sure, why not?

We up-date in about two minutes. I keep a dedicated 8 Gig SD card with a 3X5 card taped to its package, for only this use. We pull-up the Garmin site to the left of D. R.'s home page, tap on software, hit agree and download. The download comes in in about 20 seconds and the system asks if I want to run the transfer program and to witch destination. I hit yes after plugging in the SD card and it down loads in about 10 seconds to the card. Then we remove the card and walk over to the aircraft. Turn on the power to the EFIS and wait for it to boot-up. Plug in the SD card and the screen will ask if we want to up-date the software. I hit yes and the unit down loads in about 15 seconds, then restarts to the new version. I wright the date and new version on the card to keep track of what is done and when it was done. Put the card and SD away and go Fly. So far in about 10-15 updates we have had no glitches of any kind.
Even if it is only a small improvement to the next addition of the software it is worth keeping it up to date with regards to software updates.
Don't know if this will help, Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888
Thanks all for the comments. I should have been clearer in my question. I'm curious what "General improvements to system operation" means in the changelog.